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If you have a corner property

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I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22134 total posts


If you have a corner property

Do you find anyone crossing it?

Posted 7/12/21 6:14 PM
Long Island Weddings
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His Baby

Re: If you have a corner property

When my parents had theirs; every so often teenagers would. It wasn’t a common and constant issue, but it did happen occasionally.

Posted 7/12/21 6:20 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/15

3987 total posts


If you have a corner property

Our first house was a corner lot that sat vacant for a few year. When we moved in people would cut across our property a lot but then eventually they realized someone was living there and it stopped. It was usually younger kids though.

Posted 7/12/21 6:28 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 1/15

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If you have a corner property

I have never seen anyone crossing it except for the mailman every so often.

Posted 7/12/21 6:41 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 10/15

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Re: If you have a corner property

Posted by MyBabyG

I have never seen anyone crossing it except for the mailman every so often.


Posted 7/12/21 6:41 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: If you have a corner property

No not really at least I never noticed. Both me and my parents have corner house and i don’t ever remember it being an issue there.

Now garbage on the other hand would be more often. While it’s not a huge issue I tend to find garbage by our houses.

Posted 7/12/21 7:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/12

1461 total posts


If you have a corner property

My daughter does when she comes back from school. She runs diagonal across their grass.

Posted 7/12/21 7:17 PM

Back home!

Member since 5/08

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If you have a corner property

Yes and we have sidewalks. I actually had to yell at some young kids once because we just had fertilizer sprayed (and there were signs too) and they just walked right across.

Posted 7/12/21 7:34 PM

Baby Boy is Here!

Member since 5/11

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Momma <3

If you have a corner property

I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone cross our lawn in the 10+ years we’ve lived here.

Posted 7/12/21 7:54 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


If you have a corner property

I haven't seen anyone cut across it. If they do maybe they'll get what they deserve and step in a giant deer turd...

Message edited 7/12/2021 8:11:29 PM.

Posted 7/12/21 8:10 PM

2 Boys

Member since 7/06

17790 total posts


If you have a corner property

My parents had a corner property but the put up a split rail fence to stop people from crossing.

Posted 7/12/21 8:30 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: If you have a corner property

My mom has one and people do it occasionally.

She vents about it to me and I think she overreacts but I agree that it’s not appropriate unless you know the people and have reason to believe it’s OK

Posted 7/12/21 10:42 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22134 total posts


If you have a corner property

Thanks for the replies. I saw a kid with his father walking and when they got to the corner, the father stayed in the sidewalk while the kid cut across the grass. I doing it odd that the dad didn’t say anything to the kid. I wasn’t overly bothered but I found it strange that he let him walk across someone’s yard. If it was a kid I knew, I don’t think I’d really care but I never saw these people before and just found it strange.

Posted 7/12/21 10:54 PM

My lil cowboy

Member since 10/10

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Re: If you have a corner property

Never. But I also live on a quiet residential corner in a neighborhood. I don't border a busier street.

Posted 7/13/21 7:04 AM

Peanut is here!!!!!!

Member since 5/09

18388 total posts


If you have a corner property

Kids cutting the corner yes, but I never really cared. It’s not like they are wearing a trail in my lawn or right up to the house.

Posted 7/13/21 7:53 AM


Member since 6/08

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fka LIW Smara

Re: If you have a corner property

I don’t have a corner property but to me that’s so odd. I was told to respect other people’s property including their lawn. Not to step on it or let your dogs go to the bathroom on it. Especially if you don’t know the owners and how picky they are about their lawns.

I would have told my son something if I was walking with him and he did that.

Posted 7/13/21 8:25 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6946 total posts


Re: If you have a corner property

Posted by alli3131

Kids cutting the corner yes, but I never really cared. It’s not like they are wearing a trail in my lawn or right up to the house.

As kids there was a house in the corner and we always cut through and yes it wore a dirt trail but they never said anything. I think because they rented it out so it wasn’t like the owners were there everyday to care.

Posted 7/13/21 8:37 AM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

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Re: If you have a corner property

Posted by Sash

I don’t have a corner property but to me that’s so odd. I was told to respect other people’s property including their lawn. Not to step on it or let your dogs go to the bathroom on it. Especially if you don’t know the owners and how picky they are about their lawns.

I would have told my son something if I was walking with him and he did that.

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Posted 7/13/21 8:45 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: If you have a corner property

Posted by StaceyWill

Posted by Sash

I don’t have a corner property but to me that’s so odd. I was told to respect other people’s property including their lawn. Not to step on it or let your dogs go to the bathroom on it. Especially if you don’t know the owners and how picky they are about their lawns.

I would have told my son something if I was walking with him and he did that.

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Me three

Posted 7/13/21 9:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/09

943 total posts


If you have a corner property

I have a corner property, and never had a problem til recently. The school bus stop is on our corner (always has been), and the current group of kids are constantly on our lawn.

Posted 7/13/21 9:14 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/16

2346 total posts


If you have a corner property

I just moved from a corner property. I did love it because we had no neighbors on the one side, people did walk across all the time. I did have someone drive across my lawn at like 11pm one night and my cesspool was out front and closer to the street which made me really nervous. We now have a mid block location and I still do miss my corner

Posted 7/13/21 9:15 AM


Member since 5/05

4230 total posts


Re: If you have a corner property

I grew up on a corner house and lived behind an elementary school.

EVERYONE cut across.

We were also the bus stop corner. So EVERYONE waited on out porch when it rained. Kids waited on that porch years later after we graduated. The kids winded up running all over the place. During the fall they would throw acorns at each other.

My mom called the school district and asked to change it. All what she needed was one kid to slip while they were chasing each other.

We also would have cars cut across the line. My dad made this metal strip that he welded nails to and painted green and would lay it on the corner. My dad was a savage.

Posted 7/13/21 9:59 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 3/11

482 total posts


If you have a corner property

We have a corner -- and people cut across big time -- we have wood fence (horizontal pieces of wood) and entrances at the front of the house with our driveway and then a cut out on the very back of the side of our house -- we have seen many cut through and it annoys me! (I even saw a set of runners do it -- why bother running if you're cutting!). It annoys me greatly actually. The worst however is that our neighbor keeps her yard like crap (the town recently came and threw stuff had gotten that bad) -- the woman keeps junk and also collects the recyclable cans in our neighborhood (they are in the backyard and piled high in her car!) -- anyway, our video captured her going going out to collect cans etc....cutting through our yard in both directions and on the way back cutting in so she could throw the cans over the fence on the side of the house where her house is and continue on looking (at like 2:30 a.m.) -- this REALLY angered me but my husband doesnt want to say anything more than we've said lightly in the past about her yard (and the mosuitoes etc. that it attracts) -- ANYWAY, people cut through and I think it is MASSIVELY rude. :)

Posted 7/13/21 11:47 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/11

9141 total posts


If you have a corner property

It was never an issue when I had a corner house. And just to add - I would never walk across someone's lawn to cut the corner - would never dawn on me to do so. Maybe I did occasionally when I was a kid (don't really remember), but definitely not as an adult.

Message edited 7/13/2021 11:53:17 AM.

Posted 7/13/21 11:52 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 6/15

3987 total posts


Re: If you have a corner property

Posted by Jennifer

I grew up on a corner house and lived behind an elementary school.

EVERYONE cut across.

We were also the bus stop corner. So EVERYONE waited on out porch when it rained. Kids waited on that porch years later after we graduated. The kids winded up running all over the place. During the fall they would throw acorns at each other.

My mom called the school district and asked to change it. All what she needed was one kid to slip while they were chasing each other.

We also would have cars cut across the line. My dad made this metal strip that he welded nails to and painted green and would lay it on the corner. My dad was a savage.

Chat Icon your dad sounds awesome!

Posted 7/13/21 11:56 AM
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