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Who would you vote for?

Forum Opinion Poll
Trump 128 46.72%
Clinton 146 53.28%

If the election was today?

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Baby #2 debuts in March 2016!

Member since 9/09

1977 total posts


If the election was today?

I know we had this poll a little while ago. Wonder what it would be today.

Posted 7/27/16 9:48 AM

My 2 Girls

Member since 2/09

20494 total posts


If the election was today?

I'm with her. I did prefer Bernie but I always liked her.

Posted 7/27/16 9:52 AM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/14

208 total posts


If the election was today?

I'm not a fan of either to be honest, and I wish the first female pick were someone other then her...IDK what the lesser of the two evils I'll choose!

I'm registered as a republican, but the older I get I'm more of an indepenent...

Message edited 7/27/2016 10:21:48 AM.

Posted 7/27/16 10:13 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

NEVER, EVER Trump. Clinton 100%.

Hope she kills him in the actual election this November and sends his big mouth packing.

ETA - I also feel like it's important to consider the legacy they will leave even more than how much you like or dislike one over the other. Meaning, what Supreme Court justices will they leave in their wake or what appointments that they make during their term. There is more to think about than just their 4 yr run in office.

Message edited 7/27/2016 10:16:45 AM.

Posted 7/27/16 10:14 AM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

i know this is horrible but I havent looked into Hillary to know if she will be good or not but I refuse to vote for trump, with all the dumb shit he says and how he treats women i will never be on board and I will be embarrassed for this country if he is actually elected.

Posted 7/27/16 10:19 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 9/10

996 total posts


If the election was today?

Neither. HRC is always involved in scandals (from Whitewater to emails) and has neverbeen held accountable b/c she is a media darling. She has already proven that she cannot handle classified information and doesn't care. Trump is a loud mouth that speaks without thinking. Neither will be good for this country.

Posted 7/27/16 10:26 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Posted by JDandMe

Neither. HRC is always involved in scandals (from Whitewater to emails) and has neverbeen held accountable b/c she is a media darling. She has already proven that she cannot handle classified information and doesn't care. Trump is a loud mouth that speaks without thinking. Neither will be good for this country.

But to vote for anyone else is a wasted vote. It's either Trump or HRC so it's better to cast a vote for the one who you think can do better..............regardless of your personal feelings..........because one of those two is going to win no matter what. Call it choosing between the lesser of two evils but to NOT vote or vote for someone other then them is just a waste.

Posted 7/27/16 10:28 AM


Member since 4/07

7631 total posts


If the election was today?

See that's the truth tho- I will NOT vote for HRC. I do not think she will make a good president.- her email scandal, Benghazi are just a few. she lies. It's beyond marriage issues and character - she lies about real deal important threats to us. The Clintons are so shady!!
On that same token- trump was NOT my choice as the republican candidate. I wanted Kasich. I don't necessarily think trump would make a good president either. I truly am not happy with the choices. It's sad. I don't know what to do. Like I said I won't vote for HRC but I'm not saying trump is fit either for this.

Message edited 7/27/2016 10:47:16 AM.

Posted 7/27/16 10:45 AM


Member since 1/10

21015 total posts


If the election was today?

Gary Johnson

Posted 7/27/16 10:50 AM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

3324 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Posted by Serendipity

See that's the truth tho- I will NOT vote for HRC. I do not think she will make a good president.- her email scandal, Benghazi are just a few. she lies. It's beyond marriage issues and character - she lies about real deal important threats to us. The Clintons are so shady!!
On that same token- trump was NOT my choice as the republican candidate. I wanted Kasich. I don't necessarily think trump would make a good president either. I truly am not happy with the choices. It's sad. I don't know what to do. Like I said I won't vote for HRC but I'm not saying trump is fit either for this.

This is me, and I live in a swing state now (PA) so I feel my vote almost matters more this year, than 4 years ago. But I will NOT ever vote for HRC.

Posted 7/27/16 10:50 AM


Member since 5/05

14279 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Hillary. I have been frustrated by her many scandals, I will admit. But people/committees have been trying for 25 years to indict her for various things. I really think something would have stuck. Is she squeaky clean? Of course not. Would I prefer Bernie? Definitely. But she is not a criminal either. I have strongly disliked other candidates before, but until Trump I was never genuinely afraid of the consequences of electing him.

Posted 7/27/16 10:52 AM


Member since 8/10

6011 total posts


If the election was today?


Posted 7/27/16 10:53 AM


Member since 12/09

27635 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

For those that are neither,third party does not interest you

Posted 7/27/16 10:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/09

4166 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Posted by mommy2B3

Posted by Serendipity

See that's the truth tho- I will NOT vote for HRC. I do not think she will make a good president.- her email scandal, Benghazi are just a few. she lies. It's beyond marriage issues and character - she lies about real deal important threats to us. The Clintons are so shady!!
On that same token- trump was NOT my choice as the republican candidate. I wanted Kasich. I don't necessarily think trump would make a good president either. I truly am not happy with the choices. It's sad. I don't know what to do. Like I said I won't vote for HRC but I'm not saying trump is fit either for this.

This is me, and I live in a swing state now (PA) so I feel my vote almost matters more this year, than 4 years ago. But I will NOT ever vote for HRC.

Me as well. I will never vote Hillary and will always vote against her. That leaves me with Trump and I don't want to vote for him. So I will reason to myself I am voting against Hillary. This election is a joke, I am waiting for someone to announce they're kidding and here are the real candidates.

Posted 7/27/16 11:07 AM

My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11

9145 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

I lean left, so my instinct is for her. But I just don't feel any confidence in her. And believe me, I have Been waiting for a woman for president since I was old enough to understand. With trump, I honestly feel like if I didn't know him from his celebrity status, id entertain him a little more.
People joke about how he speaks ... Not everyone is poised when speaking publicly. So I try not to hold that against him in that regard. There's definitely a better way to say when he's trying to get across with most of what he's saying. Then again, I feel like every day people LIKE that about him because they don't need a dictionary to understand what he's talking about - if that makes any sense

In the end... I'm still torn

Posted 7/27/16 11:08 AM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Posted by PhyllisNJoe

I lean left, so my instinct is for her. But I just don't feel any confidence in her. And believe me, I have Been waiting for a woman for president since I was old enough to understand. With trump, I honestly feel like if I didn't know him from his celebrity status, id entertain him a little more.
People joke about how he speaks ... Not everyone is poised when speaking publicly. So I try not to hold that against him in that regard. There's definitely a better way to say when he's trying to get across with most of what he's saying. Then again, I feel like every day people LIKE that about him because they don't need a dictionary to understand what he's talking about - if that makes any sense

In the end... I'm still torn

He's LESS than poised...............he's arrogant, nasty, derogatory, and slings around insults like a 12 yr old on the playground. If that he is how is going to conduct himself while trying to win an election can you just imagine how he will handle himself when meeting with other important world leaders as the leader of our nation??? Is he going to make fun of their clothes, hair, or the way they speak when they don't agree with him??? As a millionaire businessman he should have WAY more polish and public presence than he does. He sounds like a moron off the street, I find him embarrassing.

Posted 7/27/16 11:15 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 1/13

6040 total posts


If the election was today?

It's not what you say it's how you say it - if he was up there stuttering but his message was unified and empowering, it'd be a different story. He's just up there lashing out at people - like a child. And that's what to me isn't what a President should be - they shouldn't be yelling and condescending and belittling. They are supposed to be strong, intelligent, gracious and poised. You can't run a country when you basically denigrate it's entire population.

Posted 7/27/16 11:19 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Posted by MrsProfessor

Hillary. I have been frustrated by her many scandals, I will admit. But people/committees have been trying for 25 years to indict her for various things. I really think something would have stuck. Is she squeaky clean? Of course not. Would I prefer Bernie? Definitely. But she is not a criminal either. I have strongly disliked other candidates before, but until Trump I was never genuinely afraid of the consequences of electing him.

100% agree

Posted 7/27/16 11:27 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 12/05

3715 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Posted by Kitten1929

It's not what you say it's how you say it - if he was up there stuttering but his message was unified and empowering, it'd be a different story. He's just up there lashing out at people - like a child. And that's what to me isn't what a President should be - they shouldn't be yelling and condescending and belittling. They are supposed to be strong, intelligent, gracious and poised. You can't run a country when you basically denigrate it's entire population.

IMHO, many people in real life fight dirty and those people support Trump because that he does the same. The world is full of bullies and now those bullies have someone they can vote for.

Posted 7/27/16 11:29 AM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

32461 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Posted by Hofstra26

Posted by PhyllisNJoe

I lean left, so my instinct is for her. But I just don't feel any confidence in her. And believe me, I have Been waiting for a woman for president since I was old enough to understand. With trump, I honestly feel like if I didn't know him from his celebrity status, id entertain him a little more.
People joke about how he speaks ... Not everyone is poised when speaking publicly. So I try not to hold that against him in that regard. There's definitely a better way to say when he's trying to get across with most of what he's saying. Then again, I feel like every day people LIKE that about him because they don't need a dictionary to understand what he's talking about - if that makes any sense

In the end... I'm still torn

He's LESS than poised...............he's arrogant, nasty, derogatory, and slings around insults like a 12 yr old on the playground. If that he is how is going to conduct himself while trying to win an election can you just imagine how he will handle himself when meeting with other important world leaders as the leader of our nation??? Is he going to make fun of their clothes, hair, or the way they speak when they don't agree with him??? As a millionaire businessman he should have WAY more polish and public presence than he does. He sounds like a moron off the street, I find him embarrassing.

He already critized the muslin mayor of London and how he was not going to like the UK PM. The man already made enemies of allies and is not even in office.

Posted 7/27/16 11:29 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

3672 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Posted by Kitten1929

It's not what you say it's how you say it - if he was up there stuttering but his message was unified and empowering, it'd be a different story. He's just up there lashing out at people - like a child. And that's what to me isn't what a President should be - they shouldn't be yelling and condescending and belittling. They are supposed to be strong, intelligent, gracious and poised. You can't run a country when you basically denigrate it's entire population.

Just yesterday I saw a replay of the video where he mocked a disabled reporter. I can't believe that anyone in their right mind would want this man in office after seeing that. I am shocked it didn't end him there.

Posted 7/27/16 11:29 AM

insert creative comment here

Member since 2/12

1998 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

Posted by JME78

Posted by Kitten1929

It's not what you say it's how you say it - if he was up there stuttering but his message was unified and empowering, it'd be a different story. He's just up there lashing out at people - like a child. And that's what to me isn't what a President should be - they shouldn't be yelling and condescending and belittling. They are supposed to be strong, intelligent, gracious and poised. You can't run a country when you basically denigrate it's entire population.

Just yesterday I saw a replay of the video where he mocked a disabled reporter. I can't believe that anyone in their right mind would want this man in office after seeing that. I am shocked it didn't end him there.

He's done things like that so. many. times. And each time, people are think it will end for him, and it never does. Honestly, I don't understand it. Whether you are a Dem or Rep, no party has making fun of the disabled on its platform.

Posted 7/27/16 11:34 AM

10 years on LIF!

Member since 11/06

26792 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

I'm still waiting for his PLANS... other than to "Make America Great Again", he has no actual plans to fix the economy, lower taxes, build the wall, stop terrorism, etc, etc, etc...

He never talks about HOW he is going to do all of these YUGE, AMAZING, TREMENDOUS things he is promising.

To me, that shows me that he is lying about absolutely every thing he is saying. His track record also proves that he lies about everything. He is shadier, involved in more scandals, and has much shadier "friends" than anything Clinton has been accused of.

Even without National level power, he has been involved in corrupt deals, under-the-table political influence, bribes, etc, etc. Just imagine what he will do if he has even more influence!

Posted 7/27/16 11:35 AM


Member since 8/05

25463 total posts


Re: If the election was today?

I am a raging liberal but can not see myself voting for either. I'm going with the third party. I loathe trump and since he hasn't said anything other than "your going to love it" pertaining to his layout of the future, and she's a crook who should be in jail. I have to go with the third party. This is the first year since I've started voting I can't pick my party. I just can't in good faith do it. I am legit scared for the election and the next four to eight years that follow.

Posted 7/27/16 11:38 AM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


If the election was today?

HRC or third party. I'll know on Nov.1

Message edited 7/27/2016 10:53:41 PM.

Posted 7/27/16 11:39 AM
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