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cant believe hes gone

Member since 3/07 4407 total posts
Name: Candice
Mya Jacklynn - 01/02/08
My due date was Dec. 28/07 that came and went...onto Jan 2/08 went to my doc appt. in the morning...she said that this baby wasnt coming anytime soon so she scheduled a non-stress test for sunday they 6th and we would see how the baby was doing at that point and possibly induce on sunday...well we tried to continue on our day...went out for lunch...went to FIL's house we were sitting there i had to use the washroom so i go...come back out...feel something funny...go back to the washroom...come back out and tell DH and FIL that i think my water broke...DH looks at his dad who says dont look at me its been too long! so we call the hostital and they say to put a pad on since it may just be from my appt that morning but if it leaks through come in...well im 9months preg. 20min from home I have no pads so we are going to get one...we are on our way there and I tell DH that this isnt right we need to go to the hospital...well we get there and my doc is sitting behind the nurses station and i say hi to her...we go into triage and she looks at my pants and says dosnet look like your leaving!!! so they get me set up in a room, at this point i am not having any contractions but im happy that an end is in site before DH goes back to work after christmas holidays! They get an IV in me to start the fluids they need going and then at about 2ish (we came in around 1) they started the PIT still feeling awesome at this point joking around with the nurse (who is wonderful! love her!) around 6ish the contractions were really starting to hurt so i wanted something for the pain...well my doc wouldnt let me have anything but the epi because she didnt want the baby to be drugged up too much if i had the PIT on over i get the epi (after waiting till 8 because the doc was in the OR doing a hip surgrey!) so only 2 hours of painful contractions.....after the epi i was feeling great again joking around having a wonderful time...well the nurse told DH and i to get some rest it will be awhile ( i was 3-4cm before the epi just before 8pm) well we were just settling down when i started feeling a little dif...the nurse got this look on her face and said im going to check you again...she did and i was 10cm!!! this was at about 9:30pm well she got another nurse to call my doc. and said to do some practice pushes if i wanted...well im still having a great old time because all i can feel is pressure no pain! the doc came checked was amazed at how fast everything was going...i started really pushing i think around 10:10 maybe she was born at 10:21pm on January 2, 2008
I ended up tearing a bit, but only needed a couple stitches
Mya Jacklynn was 7lbs 2oz and 52cm long which is i think 20.6inches...
we ended up having to stay in the hospital longer then expected because i had BF issues with supply and DD lost too much weight...but we finally got to come home on the 6th and enjoy our little girl!
Posted 2/27/08 10:35 AM |
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