Hello Girls,

I know that I have shared my journey with most of you on the boards but I also noticed a lot of newbies here. Welcome!

For those of you who don't know me,Ill give you the short version. We been TTC for over 3 years now. My issues:tubal, pcos, fibroids and I also suffer from hypothyroidism. For the last 3 years, we didn't have the Infertility Insurance to cover IVF. There were times whenI wanted to give up. The girls on this board have been a source of strength for me. So many of you girls have been very inspirational and have often told me not to give up "Hope" .

Well, Redstar and other fellow LIFers had mentioned to me about an organization who offers scholarships to those families who lack Infertility Insurance. The Scholarship is called INCIID the heart (pronounced INside the Heart)
www.inciid.org and if selected, they match you up with a Clinic who will donate a cycle to a Family. I submitted my compelling letter and I didn't think we would hear from them since we were competing with thousands of other families. Well, 9 months later we received a call that we were selected for the Scholarship. But, a month later I was hired by an Agency who covered IVF and we had to turn down the Scholarship. I am very grateful that INCIID gave us the opportunity and I am very happy that the scholarship will go to another family. INCIID is the first and only National organization to offer such scholarships. Once selected, the chosen recipients partner with INCIID to raise $2,000 before being matched with a clinic. I guess the whole idea is to raise awareness.

My goal now is to pay it forward and bring awareness to Infertility and help a couple, INCIID recipients (who I recently met through INCIID) raise $2,000 so that they can be matched with a clinic. INCIID was going to match me with with SIRM and I am assuming that they will be matched with SIRM.

The couple's name is Elizabeth and Matthew Stahl ( i was given permission to share their names with you) Elizabeth suffers from endometrosis and has been ttc for years. You can help put some hope into the hearts of many by making a tax deductible donation to INCIID, here: https://www.inciid.org/inciiddonate.phtml

If donating on-line, put “For Elizabeth & Matthew Stahl IVF scholarship” in the “reason to support” place at the bottom of the form.

Checks should be made out to INCIID, Inc. And sent to: PO Box 6836, Arlington, VA 22206. All donations receive a thank you and record for your taxes. Please be sure to put “For Elizabeth & Matthew Stahl” in the memo portion of the check. Any amount helps ( $5, $10) it all adds up! I truly appreciate it!

If you have any questions, please FM me.
Thanks Again!

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