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Veterans Day
Nov 11 2014 11:26AM

Honoring & Remembering the men, women and pets who served and gave their life for this country.

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Fall Dog Festival
Oct 23 2014 11:04AM

This weekend join fellow dog lovers at Old Westbury Gardens for a dog walk & Fall Dog Festival. The Dog walk takes place on Saturday Oct 25th & Sunday Oct 26th and the Fall Dog Festival will be on Sunday Oct 26th and features a costume contest & parade! See below for more info:

Dog Days at the Gardens 10:00 am - 5:00 pm Bring your leashed dog for an invigorating walk and healthy exercise in designated garden areas. Meet fellow dog lovers in a beautiful environment. Dog must be leashed.

Fall Dog Festival 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm The festival features exhibits by animal welfare organizations, vendors, and rescue groups along with displays and activities. A costume contest and parade will take place at 3:00 pm.

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Strut Your Mutt!
Sep 24 2014 1:53PM

Strut your Mutt is a nationwide fundraising dog walk and fun run for pets and their people to save the lives of shelter pets!

Join Best Friends Animal Society's for the 5th Annual Strut Your Mutt in New York City on Saturday September 27, 2014. This event includes a fundraising dog walk and fun run with your dog, followed by a doggie-themed festival that includes pet contests, photos, doggie goodies, fun activities for the whole family, including food, refreshments and more.

See the link below for more information.

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Dachshund Love!
Aug 13 2014 12:02PM

We love Dachshunds! Here are a few of our adorable patients - Bailey, Coco, Emma, Mishi & Pepe! As you can see Dachshunds or "doxies" come in many colors. They are sometimes nicknamed "hot dogs" or "wiener dogs" because of their long backs and short legs. They are confident, friendly and affectionate dogs and make great companions!

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Bathtime Friends!
Aug 1 2014 2:00PM

What's better than bathtime on a hot summer day?!

Bathtime for Amber!
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Bathtime for Rocky!
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Summer Treats for your Furry Friends!
Jul 25 2014 12:34PM

16 Treats You Should Make For Your Dog This Summer: Everyone’s BFF deserves some homemade goodies every now and then! Some of these treats can even help keep your pup cool in the hot temps.
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And we don't want to leave out the kitties - so here are 5 Cool Summertime Treats for Cats
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New Client Discounts
Jun 2 2014 1:56PM

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Pet Emergencies
May 16 2014 1:20PM

Emergency treatment and first aid for pets should never be used as a substitute for veterinary care. But it may save your pet's life before you can get your pet to a veterinarian.

Pet First Aid Procedure

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A Friday Funny...
May 2 2014 11:49AM

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Easter Pet Dangers
Apr 17 2014 12:40PM

Here's an article from our friends over at

Easter Pet Poisons

The veterinarians at Pet Poison Helpline receive hundreds of calls this time of year from pet owners and veterinarians concerning cats that have ingested Easter lilies.

“Unbeknownst to many pet owners, Easter lilies are highly toxic to cats,” said Ahna Brutlag, DVM, MS assistant director at Pet Poison Helpline. “All parts of the Easter lily plant are poisonous – the petals, the leaves, the stem and even the pollen. Cats that ingest as few as one or two leaves, or even a small amount of pollen while grooming their fur, can suffer severe kidney failure.”

In most situations, symptoms of poisoning will develop within six to 12 hours of exposure. Early signs include vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy and dehydration. Symptoms worsen as kidney failure develops. Some cats will experience disorientation, staggering and seizures.

“There is no effective antidote to counteract lily poisoning, so the sooner you can get your cat to the veterinarian, the better his chances of survival will be,” said Brutlag. “If you see your cat licking or eating any part of an Easter lily, call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately. If left untreated, his chances of survival are low.”

Treatment includes inducing vomiting, administering drugs like activated charcoal (to bind the poison in the stomach and intestines), intravenous fluid therapy to flush out the kidneys, and monitoring of kidney function through blood testing. The prognosis and the cost – both financially and physically – to the pet owner and cat, are best when treated immediately.

There are several other types of lilies that are toxic to cats as well. They are of the Lilium and Hemerocallis species and commonly referred to as Tiger lilies, Day lilies and Asiatic lilies. Popular in many gardens and yards, they can also result in severe acute kidney failure. These lilies are commonly found in florist bouquets, so it is imperative to check for poisonous flowers before bringing bouquets into the household. Other types of lilies – such as the Peace, Peruvian and Calla lilies – are usually not a problem for cats and may cause only minor drooling.

Thankfully, lily poisoning does not occur in dogs or people. However, if a large amount is ingested, it can result in mild gastrointestinal issues such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Other Dangers to Pets at Easter Time

Pet Poison Helpline also receives calls concerning pets that have ingested Easter grass and chocolate.

Usually green or yellow in color, Easter grass is the fake grass that often accompanies Easter baskets. When your cat or dog ingests something “stringy” like Easter grass, it can become anchored around the base of the tongue or stomach, rendering it unable to pass through the intestines. It can result in a linear foreign body and cause severe damage to the intestinal tract, often requiring expensive abdominal surgery.

Lastly, during the week of Easter, calls to Pet Poison Helpline concerning dogs that have been poisoned by chocolate increase by nearly 200 percent. While the occasional chocolate chip in one cookie may not be an issue, certain types of chocolate are very toxic to dogs. In general, the darker and more bitter the chocolate, the greater the danger. Baker’s chocolate and dark chocolate pose the biggest problem. The chemical toxicity is due to methylxanthines (a relative of caffeine) and results in vomiting, diarrhea, hyperactivity, an abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, and possibly death. Other sources include chewable chocolate flavored multi-vitamins, baked goods, or chocolate-covered espresso beans. If you suspect that your dog ate chocolate, call your veterinarian or Pet Poison Helpline immediately.

Spring is in the air and Easter is a wonderful holiday. Remember that your pets will be curious about new items you bring into your household like Easter lilies, Easter grass and chocolate. Keep them a safe distance away from your pets’ reach and enjoy the holiday and the season.

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Happy Humpday!
Feb 19 2014 4:04PM

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Dental Month!
Feb 7 2014 1:00PM

Maggie is smiling in this photo because she wants to remind everyone that February is dental month! Dental health is important, that is why we recommend routinely brushing your pet's teeth and using tartar control treats or chews. We will be celebrating dental month by having 20% off all dental cleanings in February.

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4 cute Chihuahuas in a bag .....
Jan 14 2014 3:37PM

Have puppies, will travel! Check out this adorable foursome! Vita, Zoe, Bella & Rocky!

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Snowy White Kitties before the Snow Storm!
Jan 3 2014 12:12PM

Check out these cuties who made it in for a visit yesterday, right before the storm! Jamie the Balinese & Cersei the Siamese

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Dr. Hardoon with Clancy
Dec 17 2013 12:00PM

Dr. Hardoon with Clancy who is being treated for heartworm disease. He is on his last treatment and will soon be heartworm free! He was infected prior to his adoption from a shelter on Long Island. His new owners are giving him all the care he needs to recover. This is why we recommend monthly heartworm protection for every dog!

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Holiday Plants That Cause More Worry Than Warranted
Dec 6 2013 11:11AM

Remember Friends! This comes from the ASPCA!


Some holiday plants get a bad rap that’s not necessarily deserved. While they’re certainly not good for pets to ingest, they’re also not as dangerous as many people believe. Here is the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center’s list of plants that generally cause the most anxiety for pet owners.

Poinsettia (Euphoribia Pulcherrima)

Poinsettias may be the most misrepresented plant when it comes to toxicity. Since 1919 Poinsettias have been called lethal if ingested by pets. However, many animal studies have shown that it is just not true. What you may see is some gastrointestinal irritation (vomiting, diarrhea) from the milky sap of the plant.

Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera Truncata)

Christmas cactus is another common holiday plant that is naturally found in the coastal mountains of Brazil. While hypersensitivity reactions have been reported in humans, all that has been seen in dogs is vomiting, diarrhea (both potentially with blood), anorexia and depression. In cats, ataxia has also been reported.

Holly (Ilex Aquiforlium)

Common signs seen include vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, lip-smacking and head-shaking. Mechanical injury to the oral mucosa can occur from the leaves and foreign body obstruction may occur if a very large amount of the leaves are ingested.

Christmas tree preservative

Preservatives used today generally contain small amounts of fertilizer and dextrose. Ingestion of these preservatives generally result in mild vomiting and diarrhea.

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Winter Season and Pest
Nov 21 2013 10:18AM

For those of us with pets, we look forward to winter as a time of respite from the bugs that torment us and our pets. We look forward to a break from the sprays and gels and powders and medicines … all the things we try on our pets and in our home to keep the blood suckers at bay. However -- and we hope you are sitting down as you read this -- winter does not necessarily spell the end of bug season.

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Nov 8 2013 12:25PM

Have you watched this documentary - 'Blackfish' ? It is a sad look at how Killer Whales are kept in captivity and how the conditions have lead them to put their human care takers at risk.

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Happy Halloween!
Oct 25 2013 2:06PM

Happy and Safe Halloween Everyone!

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Pet Poison Helpline wants us all to remember about Halloween Dangers:
Article on Halloween Health Hazards!

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VARL Liquid Gold Allergy Testing!
Oct 11 2013 1:24PM

We are happy to announce that we are now offering VARL Liquid Gold Allergy Testing for dogs & cats!

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