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Oh Boy... Obama
Nov 5 2008 12:20AM

Don't bother flaming, this is for me to vent.

I'm extremely disappointed in the outcome of this election. I am scared for this country more than I've been during 8 years of W.

A man whose birth certificate was in question, whose pastor hates white people, who fraternizes with domestic terrorists, whose wife thinks we are a mean country, who won't wear an American flag pin, who wants to change the national anthem, who was to socialize healthcare, who wants to take money from the people who worked hard for it and give it to others (these among other things) is now leader of the free world.

I've always been proud to be an American, tonight I'm sad and scared for this country. I think a mistake has been made.

The double standards during this past year have been incredible. I feel like most of the country has been brain-washed by a smooth talker and ignored the living hero who nearly died for us.

I don't care what anyone says, I do not stand behind him, the same as I did not stand behind Bush. I'm not a racist (since this seems to be the retort for disagreeing with Obama) I do not agree with anything he stands for.

Somehow being a republican or a conservative makes you evil or racist or both these days.

I'm not interested in making history. I don't look at this as a historical election, regardless of what the outcome could/would have been. I'm concerned with my values and my family. I'm generous when I can be and I'll help my friends or a DESERVING stranger (whom *I* choose). I am NOT my brother's keeper and I don't feel like I should be forced to be.

He is a shady character and I don't like this one bit. This is going to be bad. Very bad.

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First Day Of My New Diet!
Sep 16 2008 12:54AM

Oh boy! So I weighed, measured and took 'before' pictures of myself on Sunday. Today was the first official day of my diet. I don't usually like to start a diet on a Monday, but DH started his diet last Monday and he already lost 7 pounds, so I need to catch up! I'm excited at the thought of fitting in my old jeans, but right now I just want a piece of whole wheat bread!!!!

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My BFF Moved To San Diego Today
Sep 4 2008 9:11PM

I'm so happy for him because he's following his dream. I'm so sad that he's so far away, we've been best friends since we were 10 and 11 years old.

Just wanted to vent my saddness.

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