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Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

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LIF Infant

Member since 6/05

241 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

BHO will be a disaster....

Obama Declares War on Coal
Early voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere wish they had known sooner.

By Deroy Murdock

In a November surprise, Barack Obama envisions bankrupting anyone who tries to open a new coal-powered electrical plant. This news should chill voters in coal-producing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. It also should worry Americans from coast to coast who rely on coal-fueled electricity far more than they may realize. They also will pay more for it than they do today. Talk about “change.”

Obama openly discussed this with the San Francisco Chronicle. However, the piece that appeared last January 18 excluded these details which surfaced over the weekend, thanks to an audio tape of Obama’s appearance before the paper’s editorial board.

Obama explained that under his cap-and-trade scheme he plans for fighting so-called global warming: “if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

It truly is stunning to hear an American presidential candidate speak so casually and cavalierly about bankrupting U.S. businesses that wish to profit from lawful commercial activity.

This attitude should give spinal tremors to voters in coal-producing states. One wonders how Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia would fare, given an Obama presidency’s anti-coal bias.

As it happens, the coal industry employed 120,150 people last year. The bankruptcies that Obama threatens cannot bode well for their financial well-being.

“So what?” Americans in Manhattan, Malibu, and Miami might think. “We ain’t got no stinkin’ coal mines.”

Well, Americans happen to rely on coal for 48.7 percent of our electricity. If you are reading this by the light of a 100-watt bulb, Obama essentially wants to squeeze 49 of those watts. This means higher electricity bills for you and our countrymen.

Right-wing alarmism? Don’t believe me. Listen to Obama.

“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” Obama told the Chronicle. “Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I’m capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas…you name it…whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retro-fit their operations. That will cost money . . . they will pass that money on to the consumers.”

Obama wants Americans to pay more for electricity, not just from coal-powered plants, but even from those that burn natural gas, a far cleaner fuel. Previously hailed as an Earth-friendly alternative to oil and coal, Obama now targets natural gas for brand-new taxes. As Obama suggested in last February 19’s San Antonio Express-News: “What we ought to tax is dirty energy, like coal and, to a lesser extent, natural gas.”

“Obama is repeating the very quiet but very firm mantra of the global-warming alarmist industry, to be chanted only among friends,” says Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Chris Horner, author of the new book, Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Force, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed. “The idea is to price electricity out of certain levels of use. Inherently, that means seniors and the poor, in addition to certain industries.”

Obama supporters respond that Republican John McCain also wants a cap-and-trade system. True, but the more market-oriented McCain would give away carbon certificates and let them trade freely among energy companies and other carbon-dioxide producers. Obama would auction them off, which would require expensive up-front “bids” from those who would need such certificates in order to stay in business.

Thus, Obama brags about his plan’s toughness.

“We would put a cap-and-trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there,” he told the Chronicle.

It’s a shame, but hardly surprising, that the pro-Obama Chronicle excluded these details from its January 18 article. Americans should have had all of 2008 to debate these radical policy proposals. Instead, this bombshell arrives after some 25 percent of Americans already have voted. (This is yet another example of the idiocy and perniciousness of commencing early voting in the fall campaign’s “7th inning.”) While this news may make some Obama supporters regret their already-cast votes, the rest of the electorate has but one day to ponder the idea of an American president who would boost their power bills, bankrupt U.S. businesses, and incinerate the jobs they would create.

— Deroy Murdock is a New York-based columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution.

Posted 11/3/08 5:05 PM
Long Island Weddings
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2665 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by JennZ

Posted by Ophelia

honestly Dina. Chat Icon

clearly what he is saying that the CARBON EMISSION payments the companies would have to make would BANKRUPT them.

come on.

Chat Icon

exactly. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 5:09 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14007 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by Ophelia

Posted by shamrock124

Posted by MrsPJB2007

Posted by newday21608

SO THE REAL FACT IS THIS: IN FACT he is not opposed to the coal industry.. he is in support of taxing them for the greenhouse gas that will be put out because coal is not a clean burning fuel . By taxing them for the greenhouse gas that they emit he can generate money for alternative energy.. and so if someone want to run a solely coal powered industry THAT CHOICE will bankrupt them

Thanks for posting this--you beat me to it..a very straight forward explanation. The notion that he wants to "bankrupt" the coal INDUSTRY as a whole is just untrue--that is NOT what the sound byte states at all.

This is not in support of greenhouse gases but more of a comment on taxation..

"This quotation comes from the words of DANIEL WEBSTER and those of JOHN MARSHALL in the Supreme Court case, McCulloch v. Maryland.

Webster, in arguing the case, said: “An unlimited power to tax involves, necessarily, a power to destroy,” 17 U.S. 327 (1819).

In his decision, Chief Justice Marshall said: “That the power of taxing it [the bank] by the States may be exercised so as to destroy it, is too obvious to be denied” (p. 427), and “That the power to tax involves the power to destroy … [is] not to be denied” (p. 431)."

I don't think Justice Marshall was referring to taxes that make companies responsible for the potential destruction of the planet.

and the creation AFTER the fact would be make it a moot point anyway.

My post was a reiteration that the power to tax is extremely powerful and can bankrupt an industry - whether it be coal, oil, retail department stores, etc.

Message edited 11/3/2008 5:21:45 PM.

Posted 11/3/08 5:11 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 5/08

679 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by june262004

Posted by Ophelia

honestly Dina. Chat Icon

clearly what he is saying that the CARBON EMISSION payments the companies would have to make would BANKRUPT them.

come on.

And besides McCain never lied right Chat Icon Chat Icon

can we all say KEATING 5?

Posted 11/3/08 5:11 PM

Insert Witty Comment Here

Member since 5/07

8274 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by metagefken

Posted by june262004

Posted by Ophelia

honestly Dina. Chat Icon

clearly what he is saying that the CARBON EMISSION payments the companies would have to make would BANKRUPT them.

come on.

And besides McCain never lied right Chat Icon Chat Icon

can we all say KEATING 5?

Seriously. Tomorrow can not come soon enough.

Posted 11/3/08 5:14 PM

she's baaccckkkk ;)

Member since 5/06

23378 total posts

remember, when Gulliver traveled....

Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by metagefken

Posted by june262004

Posted by Ophelia

honestly Dina. Chat Icon

clearly what he is saying that the CARBON EMISSION payments the companies would have to make would BANKRUPT them.

come on.

And besides McCain never lied right Chat Icon Chat Icon

can we all say KEATING 5?

no, you cannot GOTCHA media!

Posted 11/3/08 5:17 PM

Two in Blue

Member since 5/05

20223 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by Woodsy

BHO will be a disaster....

Obama Declares War on Coal
Early voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere wish they had known sooner.

By Deroy Murdock

In a November surprise, Barack Obama envisions bankrupting anyone who tries to open a new coal-powered electrical plant. This news should chill voters in coal-producing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. It also should worry Americans from coast to coast who rely on coal-fueled electricity far more than they may realize. They also will pay more for it than they do today. Talk about “change.”

Obama openly discussed this with the San Francisco Chronicle. However, the piece that appeared last January 18 excluded these details which surfaced over the weekend, thanks to an audio tape of Obama’s appearance before the paper’s editorial board.

Obama explained that under his cap-and-trade scheme he plans for fighting so-called global warming: “if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

It truly is stunning to hear an American presidential candidate speak so casually and cavalierly about bankrupting U.S. businesses that wish to profit from lawful commercial activity.

This attitude should give spinal tremors to voters in coal-producing states. One wonders how Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia would fare, given an Obama presidency’s anti-coal bias.

As it happens, the coal industry employed 120,150 people last year. The bankruptcies that Obama threatens cannot bode well for their financial well-being.

“So what?” Americans in Manhattan, Malibu, and Miami might think. “We ain’t got no stinkin’ coal mines.”

Well, Americans happen to rely on coal for 48.7 percent of our electricity. If you are reading this by the light of a 100-watt bulb, Obama essentially wants to squeeze 49 of those watts. This means higher electricity bills for you and our countrymen.

Right-wing alarmism? Don’t believe me. Listen to Obama.

“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” Obama told the Chronicle. “Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I’m capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas…you name it…whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retro-fit their operations. That will cost money . . . they will pass that money on to the consumers.”

Obama wants Americans to pay more for electricity, not just from coal-powered plants, but even from those that burn natural gas, a far cleaner fuel. Previously hailed as an Earth-friendly alternative to oil and coal, Obama now targets natural gas for brand-new taxes. As Obama suggested in last February 19’s San Antonio Express-News: “What we ought to tax is dirty energy, like coal and, to a lesser extent, natural gas.”

“Obama is repeating the very quiet but very firm mantra of the global-warming alarmist industry, to be chanted only among friends,” says Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Chris Horner, author of the new book, Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Force, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed. “The idea is to price electricity out of certain levels of use. Inherently, that means seniors and the poor, in addition to certain industries.”

Obama supporters respond that Republican John McCain also wants a cap-and-trade system. True, but the more market-oriented McCain would give away carbon certificates and let them trade freely among energy companies and other carbon-dioxide producers. Obama would auction them off, which would require expensive up-front “bids” from those who would need such certificates in order to stay in business.

Thus, Obama brags about his plan’s toughness.

“We would put a cap-and-trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there,” he told the Chronicle.

It’s a shame, but hardly surprising, that the pro-Obama Chronicle excluded these details from its January 18 article. Americans should have had all of 2008 to debate these radical policy proposals. Instead, this bombshell arrives after some 25 percent of Americans already have voted. (This is yet another example of the idiocy and perniciousness of commencing early voting in the fall campaign’s “7th inning.”) While this news may make some Obama supporters regret their already-cast votes, the rest of the electorate has but one day to ponder the idea of an American president who would boost their power bills, bankrupt U.S. businesses, and incinerate the jobs they would create.

— Deroy Murdock is a New York-based columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution.

That's all great and I'm sure the people who feel this way are the ones who feel global warming is a "myth."Chat Icon SSomeone has got to start paying attention to the Earth and you know what, if people lose jobs over it and the coal industry is bankrupt than honestly so be itChat Icon At least Obama has the ba!!s to tell the truth BEFORE he wins

Posted 11/3/08 5:24 PM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

9730 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Is it January yet?? I am so tired of the propoganda and misleading "articles" that are really just someone's mother blogging. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 5:26 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by Superkat

Is it January yet?? I am so tired of the propoganda and misleading "articles" that are really just someone's mother blogging. Chat Icon Chat Icon

"mother" is only half a word! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 5:27 PM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

9730 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Superkat

Is it January yet?? I am so tired of the propoganda and misleading "articles" that are really just someone's mother blogging. Chat Icon Chat Icon

"mother" is only half a word! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon I was trying to be nice. Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 5:27 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by Superkat

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Superkat

Is it January yet?? I am so tired of the propoganda and misleading "articles" that are really just someone's mother blogging. Chat Icon Chat Icon

"mother" is only half a word! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon I was trying to be nice. Chat Icon Chat Icon

i wasn't Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 5:28 PM

More a stranger than a friend

Member since 5/06

9730 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Superkat

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Superkat

Is it January yet?? I am so tired of the propoganda and misleading "articles" that are really just someone's mother blogging. Chat Icon Chat Icon

"mother" is only half a word! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon I was trying to be nice. Chat Icon Chat Icon

i wasn't Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You are one of the LIF elite. You have the power. You don't have to worry about being banned. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 5:29 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

26170 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by Superkat

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Superkat

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Superkat

Is it January yet?? I am so tired of the propoganda and misleading "articles" that are really just someone's mother blogging. Chat Icon Chat Icon

"mother" is only half a word! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon I was trying to be nice. Chat Icon Chat Icon

i wasn't Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You are one of the LIF elite. You have the power. You don't have to worry about being banned. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh, but I do! Trust me! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 5:33 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14007 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by metagefken

Posted by june262004

Posted by Ophelia

honestly Dina. Chat Icon

clearly what he is saying that the CARBON EMISSION payments the companies would have to make would BANKRUPT them.

come on.

And besides McCain never lied right Chat Icon Chat Icon

can we all say KEATING 5?

Oh course you can. In this instance you are referring to Senators John Glenn and John McCain were cleared of having acted improperly but were criticized for having exercised "poor judgment" bu the Senate Ethics Committee.

I don't believe there is a politician that always tells the truth.

Message edited 11/3/2008 6:38:42 PM.

Posted 11/3/08 5:39 PM

R.I.P. Sweet Mia ♥

Member since 5/06

28918 total posts

The Mystical Azzhorse! ™

Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Superkat

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Superkat

Posted by MrsERod

Posted by Superkat

Is it January yet?? I am so tired of the propoganda and misleading "articles" that are really just someone's mother blogging. Chat Icon Chat Icon

"mother" is only half a word! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon I was trying to be nice. Chat Icon Chat Icon

i wasn't Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

You are one of the LIF elite. You have the power. You don't have to worry about being banned. Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Oh, but I do! Trust me! Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 5:42 PM


Member since 6/06

24950 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by Ophelia

honestly Dina. Chat Icon

clearly what he is saying that the CARBON EMISSION payments the companies would have to make would BANKRUPT them.

come on.


Come on now. Let's stop this now.

Posted 11/3/08 5:58 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by Ophelia

honestly Dina. Chat Icon

clearly what he is saying that the CARBON EMISSION payments the companies would have to make would BANKRUPT them.

come on.

I was picking up my DD from day care and getting dinner together right after I posted my OP. So I am just seeing all of the responses now.

Jess - I heart you Chat Icon . But I disagree.

I believe IF you tax a industry to within an inch of it's life, it will not longer exist in the US. Ask ANY business OWNER what they would do if they had to pay enormous amounts of taxes and fines, just to do business in the USA. They would go somewhere else where the business tax is lower and there are no fines. That means shipping jobs overseas and small businesses going out of business.

The Carbon Emission payments that Obama would impose by his aggressive cap and trade agreement WOULD put coal companies out of business. The coal industry it would go to China, where there are ZERO emissions regulations right now

I own a small business and I KNOW that if you tax businesses big or small to within an inch of their life...they go bankrupt, close and move elsewhere. PERIOD. What Obama is saying is semantics and rhetoric, IMHO.

I personally do not believe that Obama is supportive of small business, large business or capitalism in general. The more and more I hear of these little blurbs to this paper, or that news outlet about how he really feels about things it causes me to question what he is telling the American public and what he ACTUALLY believes in his heart of hearts. What will he ACTUALLY do once in office (IF he is elected in)? Sorry if I am not buying it.

PLUS, the fact that the SF Chronicle did not release this tape until now...things that make you go hmmmmmmm Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 6:28 PM

Grace is growing up too fast!

Member since 10/05

11561 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by shamrock124

I don't believe there is a politician that doesn't always tell the truth.

I wholeheartedly agree with this.

McCain is no saint, but I do believe that he truly wants the best for this country.
I believe he wants businesses to succeed and thrive and for this country to NOT be a welfare state. In my heart I do not believe the same about Obama.

Posted 11/3/08 6:33 PM

Cake from Outer Space!

Member since 5/05

14007 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by dandr10199

Posted by shamrock124

I don't believe there is a politician that doesn't always tell the truth.

I wholeheartedly agree with this.

McCain is no saint, but I do believe that he truly wants the best for this country.
I believe he wants businesses to succeed and thrive and for this country to NOT be a welfare state. In my heart I do not believe the same about Obama.

I edited my post to say that ...I don't believe there is a politician that always tells the truth.

I think I violated double negative rules with my first sentence. Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 6:39 PM

J'taime Paris!

Member since 3/06

32345 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by Woodsy

BHO will be a disaster....

Obama Declares War on Coal
Early voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere wish they had known sooner.

By Deroy Murdock

In a November surprise, Barack Obama envisions bankrupting anyone who tries to open a new coal-powered electrical plant. This news should chill voters in coal-producing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. It also should worry Americans from coast to coast who rely on coal-fueled electricity far more than they may realize. They also will pay more for it than they do today. Talk about “change.”

Obama openly discussed this with the San Francisco Chronicle. However, the piece that appeared last January 18 excluded these details which surfaced over the weekend, thanks to an audio tape of Obama’s appearance before the paper’s editorial board.

Obama explained that under his cap-and-trade scheme he plans for fighting so-called global warming: “if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.”

It truly is stunning to hear an American presidential candidate speak so casually and cavalierly about bankrupting U.S. businesses that wish to profit from lawful commercial activity.

This attitude should give spinal tremors to voters in coal-producing states. One wonders how Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia would fare, given an Obama presidency’s anti-coal bias.

As it happens, the coal industry employed 120,150 people last year. The bankruptcies that Obama threatens cannot bode well for their financial well-being.

“So what?” Americans in Manhattan, Malibu, and Miami might think. “We ain’t got no stinkin’ coal mines.”

Well, Americans happen to rely on coal for 48.7 percent of our electricity. If you are reading this by the light of a 100-watt bulb, Obama essentially wants to squeeze 49 of those watts. This means higher electricity bills for you and our countrymen.

Right-wing alarmism? Don’t believe me. Listen to Obama.

“Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket,” Obama told the Chronicle. “Even regardless of what I say about whether coal is good or bad, because I’m capping greenhouse gasses, coal power plants, natural gas…you name it…whatever the plants were, whatever the industry was, they would have to retro-fit their operations. That will cost money . . . they will pass that money on to the consumers.”

Obama wants Americans to pay more for electricity, not just from coal-powered plants, but even from those that burn natural gas, a far cleaner fuel. Previously hailed as an Earth-friendly alternative to oil and coal, Obama now targets natural gas for brand-new taxes. As Obama suggested in last February 19’s San Antonio Express-News: “What we ought to tax is dirty energy, like coal and, to a lesser extent, natural gas.”

“Obama is repeating the very quiet but very firm mantra of the global-warming alarmist industry, to be chanted only among friends,” says Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow Chris Horner, author of the new book, Red Hot Lies: How Global Warming Alarmists Use Force, Fraud, and Deception to Keep You Misinformed. “The idea is to price electricity out of certain levels of use. Inherently, that means seniors and the poor, in addition to certain industries.”

Obama supporters respond that Republican John McCain also wants a cap-and-trade system. True, but the more market-oriented McCain would give away carbon certificates and let them trade freely among energy companies and other carbon-dioxide producers. Obama would auction them off, which would require expensive up-front “bids” from those who would need such certificates in order to stay in business.

Thus, Obama brags about his plan’s toughness.

“We would put a cap-and-trade system in place that is as aggressive, if not more aggressive, than anybody else’s out there,” he told the Chronicle.

It’s a shame, but hardly surprising, that the pro-Obama Chronicle excluded these details from its January 18 article. Americans should have had all of 2008 to debate these radical policy proposals. Instead, this bombshell arrives after some 25 percent of Americans already have voted. (This is yet another example of the idiocy and perniciousness of commencing early voting in the fall campaign’s “7th inning.”) While this news may make some Obama supporters regret their already-cast votes, the rest of the electorate has but one day to ponder the idea of an American president who would boost their power bills, bankrupt U.S. businesses, and incinerate the jobs they would create.

— Deroy Murdock is a New York-based columnist with the Scripps Howard News Service and a media fellow with the Hoover Institution.

Chat Icon just what Americans need right now... higher electric bills and more lost jobs. why don't we shelve "saving the planet" until we've saved ourselves. Chat Icon

Message edited 11/3/2008 7:48:25 PM.

Posted 11/3/08 7:48 PM

Love my boys!!!

Member since 8/07

5148 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by 1stimemom

Posted by casey31

I agree Dina. I'm afraid to watch the election tomorrow- if Obama wins I may really cry.

so far, reasons he seems untrustworthy to me:

Rev Wright
LA Times refusing to release the tape about Rashid Kalidi (sp?)
Michelle Obama saying we are a "mean country"

His whole attitude about apologizing to the world for us- to me, he doesn't seem proud to be an American.


And Michelle Obama also said that this is the first time she can truely say she is proud to be an American" just because her husband is running

seriously - i cannot believe how the media has portrayed him and censored ANYTHING that put him in a negative light

oh, and he wants to create a civilian army??

um, history? sound familiar??

Posted 11/3/08 7:53 PM

New Year!

Member since 5/05

13729 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by christys0925

I'm sorry, but He makes me sick to my stomache. I pray McCain wins.

You got that right!

Posted 11/3/08 7:53 PM

Welcome 2010!

Member since 2/06

8879 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by KateDevine

Posted by Ophelia

honestly Dina. Chat Icon

clearly what he is saying that the CARBON EMISSION payments the companies would have to make would BANKRUPT them.

come on.


Come on now. Let's stop this now.

Agreed. Sounds like a desperate, last minute attempt to swing some votes McCain's way with a propaganda piece (not the OP, the blogger).

Posted 11/3/08 7:58 PM


Member since 5/05

8261 total posts


Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by snowflake08

Posted by 1stimemom

Posted by casey31

I agree Dina. I'm afraid to watch the election tomorrow- if Obama wins I may really cry.

so far, reasons he seems untrustworthy to me:

Rev Wright
LA Times refusing to release the tape about Rashid Kalidi (sp?)
Michelle Obama saying we are a "mean country"

His whole attitude about apologizing to the world for us- to me, he doesn't seem proud to be an American.


And Michelle Obama also said that this is the first time she can truely say she is proud to be an American" just because her husband is running

seriously - i cannot believe how the media has portrayed him and censored ANYTHING that put him in a negative light

oh, and he wants to create a civilian army??

um, history? sound familiar??

I agree with all of this. It is just unbelievable that someone who would NOT be able to work for the FBI because of his unbelievable shady backround, is most likely going to become President.

Posted 11/3/08 8:07 PM

Praying for Everyone.

Member since 5/05

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Re: Obama caught in a lie! Obama Tells SF Chronicle He Will Bankrupt Coal Industry AFTER he said he was "all for clean coal techonology"

Posted by dottiemchugh

Posted by snowflake08

Posted by 1stimemom

Posted by casey31

I agree Dina. I'm afraid to watch the election tomorrow- if Obama wins I may really cry.

so far, reasons he seems untrustworthy to me:

Rev Wright
LA Times refusing to release the tape about Rashid Kalidi (sp?)
Michelle Obama saying we are a "mean country"

His whole attitude about apologizing to the world for us- to me, he doesn't seem proud to be an American.


And Michelle Obama also said that this is the first time she can truely say she is proud to be an American" just because her husband is running

seriously - i cannot believe how the media has portrayed him and censored ANYTHING that put him in a negative light

oh, and he wants to create a civilian army??

um, history? sound familiar??

I agree with all of this. It is just unbelievable that someone who would NOT be able to work for the FBI because of his unbelievable shady backround, is most likely going to become President.

guess it's not that shady afterall then. Chat Icon

Posted 11/3/08 8:08 PM
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