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What can we do to help make a change???

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My Box Is Broken

Member since 6/11

9145 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by MC09

Joining organizations and mailing letters and making calls and sending emails is exercising wonderful citizenship, but it can only do so much and it won't effect real and meaningful change. Frankly, we don't have that kind of time. Not at the rate school shootings have been occurring in this country. As you sit and write your carefully thought out letters, and wait on hold to reach your representatives, someone out there is planning his next attack, and the next one could be closer to home than you expect and likely to be deadlier than the last.

All parents, students, teachers, school personnel, and administrators in every school across the country should plan an extended and indefinite walk out. Everyone should take to the streets and protest outside the offices of their local representatives all across the country. Things won't change until the heat is turned up and noise is made. No going back to school until this BS ends. Take it as far as you have to. These politicians NEED TO SEE THESE CHILDREN'S FACES AND ANSWER TO THEM DIRECTLY. Force them to look these children in the eye and answer to the kids they swore to protect that money comes before their lives. School shootings can't happen if there's no one in schools.

Is arming every last lunch lady and issuing school standard bulletproof vests and helmets and installing military tanks at every entrance and metal detectors all the kids know how to bypass really the best possible solution America can come up with to this problem?

First came #timesup, now it's time for #pencilsdown

I agree. #pencilsdown

Something needs to change and now. Before another innocent life is lost. Before another child snaps.

I was telling my sister yesterday ... when a baby is born, we protect them every second. Special shampoo, no bumper on crib, some space vaccines , some skip them out of fear, furniture corners are covered, milk and food are organic. Literally every step of their lives are protected. Just for us to let them go at age 5 / 6 onto a bus and into a school with zero protection. How? Why?

Most of you probably know I don’t have children of my own. Doesn’t mean it doesn’t haunt me that children are being murdered. IN SCHOOL. my town has a playground at our local beach in memory of one of the babies killed at sandy hook. And every time I went there with my niece , my heart hurt. Seeing her picture, her drawings. She was a baby and nothing was done to protect her.

I agree totally to a walk out. Students, teachers , everyone. People will march for pretty much everything. I have yet to see a march put together for our children’s lives. I’d love to see everyone come together to support them.

Message edited 2/17/2018 8:46:02 AM.

Posted 2/17/18 8:43 AM
Long Island Weddings
Long Island's Largest Bridal Resource

LIF Adult

Member since 10/06

3986 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

A teacher, I am totally up for the walkout. I will speak to my principal when we get back from the break. We're a NYC school but that shouldn't make a difference.

I am also going to suggest an easy, quick way to get out the vote: Postcards to Voters

link here

You write to voters in a certain district to help get out the vote for a progressive candidate. They have a bunch of success stories - for the Doug Jones campaign, EVERY registered Dem in Alabama got a card. My resistance group alone wrote over 1,000, I think. There's currently one where a progressive candidate is primarying another Dem.

If anyone is interested, I can give you a few postcards to get started and send you a few links for cheap ones.

Despite what was said in the other thread, I am not giving up on the government yet. We need true blue Dems in charge.

I liken it to the ACA. I have been politically minded long enough that I can tell you I NEVER thought ACA would happen. Then we finally got a Dem president with the political will and savvy and both houses of Congress a Dem majority. Now we have ACA. The double Dem majority lasted only 2 years but now, even with a complete Repub domination, they can't get rid of it BECAUSE IT'S POPULAR.

Guess what - people like healthcare! And guess what - people don't like dying, so I think the same thing could happen with a sensible set of gun laws.

We're being ruled by a minority of lunatics and it needs to stop.

Message edited 2/17/2018 9:05:00 AM.

Posted 2/17/18 9:04 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

6791 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by MC09

Joining organizations and mailing letters and making calls and sending emails is exercising wonderful citizenship, but it can only do so much and it won't effect real and meaningful change. Frankly, we don't have that kind of time. Not at the rate school shootings have been occurring in this country. As you sit and write your carefully thought out letters, and wait on hold to reach your representatives, someone out there is planning his next attack, and the next one could be closer to home than you expect and likely to be deadlier than the last.

All parents, students, teachers, school personnel, and administrators in every school across the country should plan an extended and indefinite walk out. Everyone should take to the streets and protest outside the offices of their local representatives all across the country. Things won't change until the heat is turned up and noise is made. No going back to school until this BS ends. Take it as far as you have to. These politicians NEED TO SEE THESE CHILDREN'S FACES AND ANSWER TO THEM DIRECTLY. Force them to look these children in the eye and answer to the kids they swore to protect that money comes before their lives. School shootings can't happen if there's no one in schools.

Is arming every last lunch lady and issuing school standard bulletproof vests and helmets and installing military tanks at every entrance and metal detectors all the kids know how to bypass really the best possible solution America can come up with to this problem?

First came #timesup, now it's time for #pencilsdown

I COMPLETELY and utterly disagree that working for organizations and writing letters and making your voices heard wont do anything. I think its woefully irresponsible to suggest otherwise.

It hasnt worked, bc we have let it go after every shooting and then come back to it, rinse and repeat. We need to be angrier for longer than a week. I really feel like this one was different, that this one was the catalyst where people have had ENOUGH. It pushed people over the edge. All change has started with small steps. Look at the students from FL, they are INCREDIBLE. We need that to sustain and gain momentum and being active at a grassroots level is how change started.
Yes, there need to be immediate steps taken but long term, we need to get out and increase voter registration and get everyone to the polls in Nov, especially the youth. Longer term, we need to form and build groups that are larger and have as much money and support as the NRA. The only way to combat them is if we DO join these organizations and DO donate to them. Unless the GOP suddenly decides on their own accord to stop taking money from them (which will NEVER happen) then we have to rise up to meet them and combat them with equal power and force.

Posted 2/17/18 7:26 PM

drama. daily.

Member since 3/11

7287 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by JennP

A teacher, I am totally up for the walkout. I will speak to my principal when we get back from the break. We're a NYC school but that shouldn't make a difference.

I am also going to suggest an easy, quick way to get out the vote: Postcards to Voters

link here

You write to voters in a certain district to help get out the vote for a progressive candidate. They have a bunch of success stories - for the Doug Jones campaign, EVERY registered Dem in Alabama got a card. My resistance group alone wrote over 1,000, I think. There's currently one where a progressive candidate is primarying another Dem.

If anyone is interested, I can give you a few postcards to get started and send you a few links for cheap ones.

Despite what was said in the other thread, I am not giving up on the government yet. We need true blue Dems in charge.

I liken it to the ACA. I have been politically minded long enough that I can tell you I NEVER thought ACA would happen. Then we finally got a Dem president with the political will and savvy and both houses of Congress a Dem majority. Now we have ACA. The double Dem majority lasted only 2 years but now, even with a complete Repub domination, they can't get rid of it BECAUSE IT'S POPULAR.

Guess what - people like healthcare! And guess what - people don't like dying, so I think the same thing could happen with a sensible set of gun laws.

We're being ruled by a minority of lunatics and it needs to stop.

I couldn't agree with you more, and I love the idea of the postcards! Chat Icon

Posted 2/17/18 7:36 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 8/12

6791 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by LIRascal

Posted by JennP

A teacher, I am totally up for the walkout. I will speak to my principal when we get back from the break. We're a NYC school but that shouldn't make a difference.

I am also going to suggest an easy, quick way to get out the vote: Postcards to Voters

link here

You write to voters in a certain district to help get out the vote for a progressive candidate. They have a bunch of success stories - for the Doug Jones campaign, EVERY registered Dem in Alabama got a card. My resistance group alone wrote over 1,000, I think. There's currently one where a progressive candidate is primarying another Dem.

If anyone is interested, I can give you a few postcards to get started and send you a few links for cheap ones.

Despite what was said in the other thread, I am not giving up on the government yet. We need true blue Dems in charge.

I liken it to the ACA. I have been politically minded long enough that I can tell you I NEVER thought ACA would happen. Then we finally got a Dem president with the political will and savvy and both houses of Congress a Dem majority. Now we have ACA. The double Dem majority lasted only 2 years but now, even with a complete Repub domination, they can't get rid of it BECAUSE IT'S POPULAR.

Guess what - people like healthcare! And guess what - people don't like dying, so I think the same thing could happen with a sensible set of gun laws.

We're being ruled by a minority of lunatics and it needs to stop.

I couldn't agree with you more, and I love the idea of the postcards! Chat Icon

LOVE this, Ive never heard of this before! Thanks for sharing!

Posted 2/17/18 7:42 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

I set up a Sandy Hook Promise fundraiser on FB today. I also started selling Pampered Chef recently to coincide with my food blog. I think I am going to also set up a Fundraising Pampered Chef FB party and donate a portion of my commission to Sandy Hook Promise as well.

I'm also going to take some the suggestions from here and do as much as I can. Thank you for all the good info. Chat Icon

Posted 2/18/18 7:25 PM

I love this boy!

Member since 4/07

3372 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by MissJones

I wrote this the other night. It's a *little* long. But there were so many thoughts going through my mind that i needed to get them down. After reading this thread, I wanted to share it here. I put it on facebook but deleted it. I didn't want to hear some pro gun family member's bs. Because I'm done.

Another sad day in America. And we are all responsible.

We the people are responsible. We are talking and saying there needs to be change. But what are we doing? Talk is cheap. We are responsible because we are not voting. We are sitting and waiting for others to make changes.

Gun owners…you are responsible. You are so scared that someone is going to take your guns away. Guess what? Nobody wants to take your damn guns away. We don’t think guns are the whole issue. But gun laws ARE. We want reform! We don’t believe that military grade weapons belong in the hands of civilians. We don’t believe that people with mental illness should be allowed to buy said weapons. We don’t believe that guns that can fire multiple rounds in seconds belong in the hands of just anyone. If you STILL have a problem with that, then you are thicker than mud! And selfish. Is your gun worth more than someone’s child? Will your world crumble if you lost your gun? Would you fall into a deep depression if you lost your gun? Would life as you know it cease to exist if you lost your gun? Want a handgun for protection? That makes sense. A rifle for hunting? Makes sense. But damn it, our forefathers hunted with muskets and gun powder. Is Bambi packing that much heat that you need something bigger? If you are hunting bear or boar and you doubt your skills, then maybe you should stick to rabbits. But YOU must start speaking up! If you disagree with the current laws, speak up! 17 sets of parents will never, EVER get to kiss their kids good night again. But you go…go ahead…go tuck your guns in for the night and tell them to sleep tight. And then YOU rest easy knowing your precious guns are safe while those parents plan funerals.

Gun makers…oh boy…just because you CAN create a weapon that can annihilate dozens in minutes doesn’t mean you SHOULD, you greedy sons of b******. I hope their souls haunt you for the rest of your days. YOU have a responsibility. YOU! This is on YOU!

Parents…this is on you, too! Start raising your children with consequences! Start instilling kindness. Show them how to care. Show them how to take criticism. Teach them to accept NO as an answer! TALK to your children. Listen to them. Pay attention to them. Teach them respect for life.

Video Game designers…I’m putting this on you, too. When I was a kid, the only shooting game we had was Duck Hunt. I’m sure ducks everywhere ran for cover. But today…shooting games are so easily in the hands of elementary children. We went from shooting pixelated ducks to shooting realistic human beings. On our phones, our tablets, our TVs. Blood splatters on our screens. You can’t believe that YOU have no role in this either.

Schools…this is on you! Start demanding more money for school psychologists, counselors, professionals who can help! Speak up. Stop allowing your concerns to be dismissed. Teachers see mental issues YOUNG. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. We see it young. And we take notes. We write down an anecdotal. We make copies of drawings. We make copies of words. We go to superiors whose hands are tied because there is no money for professionals to assess these children. And these kids leave. Then one day, you read about them in the news. And you say…yup, I called it. We need to stop just calling it and we need to be heard!

Finally, our government. YOU have failed US. AGAIN. We have been asking, no, BEGGING for change. Instead, you choose money. Again and again, you choose money. You choose money over the safety of your citizens. You choose money over logic. You choose money over morals. You choose money over obligation. You have an obligation to US, the people. You took an oath. To protect us. To lead us. To SERVE us. But you have failed us. Generations of politicians. You have failed us. This is not a liberal-conservative issue. This is not a party issue. This is a HUGE, GLARING, blemish on our nation. You have closed psychiatric facilities. You have taken money away from schools. You have allowed this to happen.

You MUST have gone into politics for the right reasons. You wanted to serve the people. You wanted to make this country better. But somewhere along your career, you got lost. And you lost something. You lost your hearts. You lost your reasoning. You lost your beacon. You lost your logic. And consequently, you lost our trust. You lost our faith. And now you have blood on your hands. You’re serving yourselves and you’re serving the gun companies and you’re serving the lobbyists and you’re serving the NRA and you’re doing US a disservice. You are doing our children a disservice. You are doing our nation a disservice. And now you have blood on your hands. Every senator, congressmen, governor, mayor, president…this is on YOU! This does not fall on our current administration. This falls on EVERY administration. This could have ended after Columbine. This could have ended after Sandy Hook. This could have ended years ago! But every single one of you is keeping this cycle going because you are serving yourselves. And now, your hands are bloodied once again. You are the lawmakers. Yet YOU are creating laws allowing this to happen. You don’t allow an 18-year-old to buy beer but they can buy weapons. You make illogical, ridiculous, laws that serve nobody but yourselves!

But you stop, and you send your thoughts and prayers. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting change. What change has come from your thoughts and prayers? Will we ever see change come from your thoughts and prayers? But you go…continue to send those thoughts and prayers. I’m sure they will really bring about change.

And you MUST know that our constitution is a living document, right? I’m sure you learned that somewhere. Then I’m sure you also know that it means it must evolve and adapt to the times. Well, if guns have evolved and changed, then shouldn’t the laws governing them evolve and change, too?

It’s Valentine’s Day…you get to go home tonight. You get to kiss your loved ones goodnight. You get to bring your wife flowers. You get to give your kids chocolate. But 17 sets of parents get to id their children. 17 sets of parents get to plan funerals. 17 sets of parents get to go on for the rest of their lives without their hearts. Because you lost yours.

Today is a sad day for our nation. And what’s even sadder is that nothing will change. Those with the power to do something will once again do nothing. And WE the people will continue to beg for change.

To our current administration…this hasn’t exactly been a scandal free term, has it? It was tarnished before it even began. But now you have the chance to go down as the administration that FINALLY fixes this. Think about that. You have the power to change something. You can actually SERVE us, the people. We want change. For crying out loud, be the administration that creates the change that ends this cycle of insanity. That ends this. Grow a pair and do something. Find your hearts. Because ours are breaking.

We The People

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Posted 2/19/18 5:58 AM

My Loves

Member since 5/05

15697 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by ziamaria

Posted by MissJones

I wrote this the other night. It's a *little* long. But there were so many thoughts going through my mind that i needed to get them down. After reading this thread, I wanted to share it here. I put it on facebook but deleted it. I didn't want to hear some pro gun family member's bs. Because I'm done.

Another sad day in America. And we are all responsible.

We the people are responsible. We are talking and saying there needs to be change. But what are we doing? Talk is cheap. We are responsible because we are not voting. We are sitting and waiting for others to make changes.

Gun owners…you are responsible. You are so scared that someone is going to take your guns away. Guess what? Nobody wants to take your damn guns away. We don’t think guns are the whole issue. But gun laws ARE. We want reform! We don’t believe that military grade weapons belong in the hands of civilians. We don’t believe that people with mental illness should be allowed to buy said weapons. We don’t believe that guns that can fire multiple rounds in seconds belong in the hands of just anyone. If you STILL have a problem with that, then you are thicker than mud! And selfish. Is your gun worth more than someone’s child? Will your world crumble if you lost your gun? Would you fall into a deep depression if you lost your gun? Would life as you know it cease to exist if you lost your gun? Want a handgun for protection? That makes sense. A rifle for hunting? Makes sense. But damn it, our forefathers hunted with muskets and gun powder. Is Bambi packing that much heat that you need something bigger? If you are hunting bear or boar and you doubt your skills, then maybe you should stick to rabbits. But YOU must start speaking up! If you disagree with the current laws, speak up! 17 sets of parents will never, EVER get to kiss their kids good night again. But you go…go ahead…go tuck your guns in for the night and tell them to sleep tight. And then YOU rest easy knowing your precious guns are safe while those parents plan funerals.

Gun makers…oh boy…just because you CAN create a weapon that can annihilate dozens in minutes doesn’t mean you SHOULD, you greedy sons of b******. I hope their souls haunt you for the rest of your days. YOU have a responsibility. YOU! This is on YOU!

Parents…this is on you, too! Start raising your children with consequences! Start instilling kindness. Show them how to care. Show them how to take criticism. Teach them to accept NO as an answer! TALK to your children. Listen to them. Pay attention to them. Teach them respect for life.

Video Game designers…I’m putting this on you, too. When I was a kid, the only shooting game we had was Duck Hunt. I’m sure ducks everywhere ran for cover. But today…shooting games are so easily in the hands of elementary children. We went from shooting pixelated ducks to shooting realistic human beings. On our phones, our tablets, our TVs. Blood splatters on our screens. You can’t believe that YOU have no role in this either.

Schools…this is on you! Start demanding more money for school psychologists, counselors, professionals who can help! Speak up. Stop allowing your concerns to be dismissed. Teachers see mental issues YOUNG. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. We see it young. And we take notes. We write down an anecdotal. We make copies of drawings. We make copies of words. We go to superiors whose hands are tied because there is no money for professionals to assess these children. And these kids leave. Then one day, you read about them in the news. And you say…yup, I called it. We need to stop just calling it and we need to be heard!

Finally, our government. YOU have failed US. AGAIN. We have been asking, no, BEGGING for change. Instead, you choose money. Again and again, you choose money. You choose money over the safety of your citizens. You choose money over logic. You choose money over morals. You choose money over obligation. You have an obligation to US, the people. You took an oath. To protect us. To lead us. To SERVE us. But you have failed us. Generations of politicians. You have failed us. This is not a liberal-conservative issue. This is not a party issue. This is a HUGE, GLARING, blemish on our nation. You have closed psychiatric facilities. You have taken money away from schools. You have allowed this to happen.

You MUST have gone into politics for the right reasons. You wanted to serve the people. You wanted to make this country better. But somewhere along your career, you got lost. And you lost something. You lost your hearts. You lost your reasoning. You lost your beacon. You lost your logic. And consequently, you lost our trust. You lost our faith. And now you have blood on your hands. You’re serving yourselves and you’re serving the gun companies and you’re serving the lobbyists and you’re serving the NRA and you’re doing US a disservice. You are doing our children a disservice. You are doing our nation a disservice. And now you have blood on your hands. Every senator, congressmen, governor, mayor, president…this is on YOU! This does not fall on our current administration. This falls on EVERY administration. This could have ended after Columbine. This could have ended after Sandy Hook. This could have ended years ago! But every single one of you is keeping this cycle going because you are serving yourselves. And now, your hands are bloodied once again. You are the lawmakers. Yet YOU are creating laws allowing this to happen. You don’t allow an 18-year-old to buy beer but they can buy weapons. You make illogical, ridiculous, laws that serve nobody but yourselves!

But you stop, and you send your thoughts and prayers. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting change. What change has come from your thoughts and prayers? Will we ever see change come from your thoughts and prayers? But you go…continue to send those thoughts and prayers. I’m sure they will really bring about change.

And you MUST know that our constitution is a living document, right? I’m sure you learned that somewhere. Then I’m sure you also know that it means it must evolve and adapt to the times. Well, if guns have evolved and changed, then shouldn’t the laws governing them evolve and change, too?

It’s Valentine’s Day…you get to go home tonight. You get to kiss your loved ones goodnight. You get to bring your wife flowers. You get to give your kids chocolate. But 17 sets of parents get to id their children. 17 sets of parents get to plan funerals. 17 sets of parents get to go on for the rest of their lives without their hearts. Because you lost yours.

Today is a sad day for our nation. And what’s even sadder is that nothing will change. Those with the power to do something will once again do nothing. And WE the people will continue to beg for change.

To our current administration…this hasn’t exactly been a scandal free term, has it? It was tarnished before it even began. But now you have the chance to go down as the administration that FINALLY fixes this. Think about that. You have the power to change something. You can actually SERVE us, the people. We want change. For crying out loud, be the administration that creates the change that ends this cycle of insanity. That ends this. Grow a pair and do something. Find your hearts. Because ours are breaking.

We The People

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I hope you send this to all of your politicians. This is beautiful, in it's composition, in it's passion, in the pain and suffering screaming out with every word. I would absolutely sign my name to this.

Posted 2/20/18 12:15 PM

LIF Adolescent

Member since 4/06

763 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

we need to support and help grow what is starting as a great start to a great movement in Florida by these teenagers, who will be voters very soon. They have lived this all their lives. I don't ever remember a school shooting when I was growing up. My DD is turning 14 and while it hasn't happened here, it is something she has had to hear about through all her school years. It is unacceptable that she needs to be afraid to go to school!! I am in total support of this movement and am willing to do whatever they need to make it grow.

Posted 2/20/18 1:03 PM

Love to Bake!

Member since 7/06

27915 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by eroxgirl

Posted by ziamaria

Posted by MissJones

I wrote this the other night. It's a *little* long. But there were so many thoughts going through my mind that i needed to get them down. After reading this thread, I wanted to share it here. I put it on facebook but deleted it. I didn't want to hear some pro gun family member's bs. Because I'm done.

Another sad day in America. And we are all responsible.

We the people are responsible. We are talking and saying there needs to be change. But what are we doing? Talk is cheap. We are responsible because we are not voting. We are sitting and waiting for others to make changes.

Gun owners…you are responsible. You are so scared that someone is going to take your guns away. Guess what? Nobody wants to take your damn guns away. We don’t think guns are the whole issue. But gun laws ARE. We want reform! We don’t believe that military grade weapons belong in the hands of civilians. We don’t believe that people with mental illness should be allowed to buy said weapons. We don’t believe that guns that can fire multiple rounds in seconds belong in the hands of just anyone. If you STILL have a problem with that, then you are thicker than mud! And selfish. Is your gun worth more than someone’s child? Will your world crumble if you lost your gun? Would you fall into a deep depression if you lost your gun? Would life as you know it cease to exist if you lost your gun? Want a handgun for protection? That makes sense. A rifle for hunting? Makes sense. But damn it, our forefathers hunted with muskets and gun powder. Is Bambi packing that much heat that you need something bigger? If you are hunting bear or boar and you doubt your skills, then maybe you should stick to rabbits. But YOU must start speaking up! If you disagree with the current laws, speak up! 17 sets of parents will never, EVER get to kiss their kids good night again. But you go…go ahead…go tuck your guns in for the night and tell them to sleep tight. And then YOU rest easy knowing your precious guns are safe while those parents plan funerals.

Gun makers…oh boy…just because you CAN create a weapon that can annihilate dozens in minutes doesn’t mean you SHOULD, you greedy sons of b******. I hope their souls haunt you for the rest of your days. YOU have a responsibility. YOU! This is on YOU!

Parents…this is on you, too! Start raising your children with consequences! Start instilling kindness. Show them how to care. Show them how to take criticism. Teach them to accept NO as an answer! TALK to your children. Listen to them. Pay attention to them. Teach them respect for life.

Video Game designers…I’m putting this on you, too. When I was a kid, the only shooting game we had was Duck Hunt. I’m sure ducks everywhere ran for cover. But today…shooting games are so easily in the hands of elementary children. We went from shooting pixelated ducks to shooting realistic human beings. On our phones, our tablets, our TVs. Blood splatters on our screens. You can’t believe that YOU have no role in this either.

Schools…this is on you! Start demanding more money for school psychologists, counselors, professionals who can help! Speak up. Stop allowing your concerns to be dismissed. Teachers see mental issues YOUNG. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. We see it young. And we take notes. We write down an anecdotal. We make copies of drawings. We make copies of words. We go to superiors whose hands are tied because there is no money for professionals to assess these children. And these kids leave. Then one day, you read about them in the news. And you say…yup, I called it. We need to stop just calling it and we need to be heard!

Finally, our government. YOU have failed US. AGAIN. We have been asking, no, BEGGING for change. Instead, you choose money. Again and again, you choose money. You choose money over the safety of your citizens. You choose money over logic. You choose money over morals. You choose money over obligation. You have an obligation to US, the people. You took an oath. To protect us. To lead us. To SERVE us. But you have failed us. Generations of politicians. You have failed us. This is not a liberal-conservative issue. This is not a party issue. This is a HUGE, GLARING, blemish on our nation. You have closed psychiatric facilities. You have taken money away from schools. You have allowed this to happen.

You MUST have gone into politics for the right reasons. You wanted to serve the people. You wanted to make this country better. But somewhere along your career, you got lost. And you lost something. You lost your hearts. You lost your reasoning. You lost your beacon. You lost your logic. And consequently, you lost our trust. You lost our faith. And now you have blood on your hands. You’re serving yourselves and you’re serving the gun companies and you’re serving the lobbyists and you’re serving the NRA and you’re doing US a disservice. You are doing our children a disservice. You are doing our nation a disservice. And now you have blood on your hands. Every senator, congressmen, governor, mayor, president…this is on YOU! This does not fall on our current administration. This falls on EVERY administration. This could have ended after Columbine. This could have ended after Sandy Hook. This could have ended years ago! But every single one of you is keeping this cycle going because you are serving yourselves. And now, your hands are bloodied once again. You are the lawmakers. Yet YOU are creating laws allowing this to happen. You don’t allow an 18-year-old to buy beer but they can buy weapons. You make illogical, ridiculous, laws that serve nobody but yourselves!

But you stop, and you send your thoughts and prayers. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting change. What change has come from your thoughts and prayers? Will we ever see change come from your thoughts and prayers? But you go…continue to send those thoughts and prayers. I’m sure they will really bring about change.

And you MUST know that our constitution is a living document, right? I’m sure you learned that somewhere. Then I’m sure you also know that it means it must evolve and adapt to the times. Well, if guns have evolved and changed, then shouldn’t the laws governing them evolve and change, too?

It’s Valentine’s Day…you get to go home tonight. You get to kiss your loved ones goodnight. You get to bring your wife flowers. You get to give your kids chocolate. But 17 sets of parents get to id their children. 17 sets of parents get to plan funerals. 17 sets of parents get to go on for the rest of their lives without their hearts. Because you lost yours.

Today is a sad day for our nation. And what’s even sadder is that nothing will change. Those with the power to do something will once again do nothing. And WE the people will continue to beg for change.

To our current administration…this hasn’t exactly been a scandal free term, has it? It was tarnished before it even began. But now you have the chance to go down as the administration that FINALLY fixes this. Think about that. You have the power to change something. You can actually SERVE us, the people. We want change. For crying out loud, be the administration that creates the change that ends this cycle of insanity. That ends this. Grow a pair and do something. Find your hearts. Because ours are breaking.

We The People

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I hope you send this to all of your politicians. This is beautiful, in it's composition, in it's passion, in the pain and suffering screaming out with every word. I would absolutely sign my name to this.

Just saw this and OMG I LOVE this!!! Can we please share it?? This is perfect in every way and captures how we ALL feel. Chat Icon

Posted 2/20/18 1:12 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22132 total posts


What can we do to help make a change???

Of course you can share it. I think we are all so angry and hurt and done with the bull crap.

I would love to send it to every Damn politician out there but where does one even begin?.

Posted 2/20/18 11:11 PM

2 boys 2 girls!!!!

Member since 7/08

3324 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by MissJones

Of course you can share it. I think we are all so angry and hurt and done with the bull crap.

I would love to send it to every Damn politician out there but where does one even begin?.

Emails. I’d start with Devos, Trump, Pence, even Milania in hopes she can understand with a child still school aged. Then I’d start with local politicians and branch out as far as your willing. But emails are easy enough to copy and paste at least.

It was very well written, and I can’t imagine a soul that wouldn’t feel something after reading it.

Posted 2/20/18 11:26 PM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by MissJones

I wrote this the other night. It's a *little* long. But there were so many thoughts going through my mind that i needed to get them down. After reading this thread, I wanted to share it here. I put it on facebook but deleted it. I didn't want to hear some pro gun family member's bs. Because I'm done.

Another sad day in America. And we are all responsible.

We the people are responsible. We are talking and saying there needs to be change. But what are we doing? Talk is cheap. We are responsible because we are not voting. We are sitting and waiting for others to make changes.

Gun owners…you are responsible. You are so scared that someone is going to take your guns away. Guess what? Nobody wants to take your damn guns away. We don’t think guns are the whole issue. But gun laws ARE. We want reform! We don’t believe that military grade weapons belong in the hands of civilians. We don’t believe that people with mental illness should be allowed to buy said weapons. We don’t believe that guns that can fire multiple rounds in seconds belong in the hands of just anyone. If you STILL have a problem with that, then you are thicker than mud! And selfish. Is your gun worth more than someone’s child? Will your world crumble if you lost your gun? Would you fall into a deep depression if you lost your gun? Would life as you know it cease to exist if you lost your gun? Want a handgun for protection? That makes sense. A rifle for hunting? Makes sense. But damn it, our forefathers hunted with muskets and gun powder. Is Bambi packing that much heat that you need something bigger? If you are hunting bear or boar and you doubt your skills, then maybe you should stick to rabbits. But YOU must start speaking up! If you disagree with the current laws, speak up! 17 sets of parents will never, EVER get to kiss their kids good night again. But you go…go ahead…go tuck your guns in for the night and tell them to sleep tight. And then YOU rest easy knowing your precious guns are safe while those parents plan funerals.

Gun makers…oh boy…just because you CAN create a weapon that can annihilate dozens in minutes doesn’t mean you SHOULD, you greedy sons of b******. I hope their souls haunt you for the rest of your days. YOU have a responsibility. YOU! This is on YOU!

Parents…this is on you, too! Start raising your children with consequences! Start instilling kindness. Show them how to care. Show them how to take criticism. Teach them to accept NO as an answer! TALK to your children. Listen to them. Pay attention to them. Teach them respect for life.

Video Game designers…I’m putting this on you, too. When I was a kid, the only shooting game we had was Duck Hunt. I’m sure ducks everywhere ran for cover. But today…shooting games are so easily in the hands of elementary children. We went from shooting pixelated ducks to shooting realistic human beings. On our phones, our tablets, our TVs. Blood splatters on our screens. You can’t believe that YOU have no role in this either.

Schools…this is on you! Start demanding more money for school psychologists, counselors, professionals who can help! Speak up. Stop allowing your concerns to be dismissed. Teachers see mental issues YOUNG. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. We see it young. And we take notes. We write down an anecdotal. We make copies of drawings. We make copies of words. We go to superiors whose hands are tied because there is no money for professionals to assess these children. And these kids leave. Then one day, you read about them in the news. And you say…yup, I called it. We need to stop just calling it and we need to be heard!

Finally, our government. YOU have failed US. AGAIN. We have been asking, no, BEGGING for change. Instead, you choose money. Again and again, you choose money. You choose money over the safety of your citizens. You choose money over logic. You choose money over morals. You choose money over obligation. You have an obligation to US, the people. You took an oath. To protect us. To lead us. To SERVE us. But you have failed us. Generations of politicians. You have failed us. This is not a liberal-conservative issue. This is not a party issue. This is a HUGE, GLARING, blemish on our nation. You have closed psychiatric facilities. You have taken money away from schools. You have allowed this to happen.

You MUST have gone into politics for the right reasons. You wanted to serve the people. You wanted to make this country better. But somewhere along your career, you got lost. And you lost something. You lost your hearts. You lost your reasoning. You lost your beacon. You lost your logic. And consequently, you lost our trust. You lost our faith. And now you have blood on your hands. You’re serving yourselves and you’re serving the gun companies and you’re serving the lobbyists and you’re serving the NRA and you’re doing US a disservice. You are doing our children a disservice. You are doing our nation a disservice. And now you have blood on your hands. Every senator, congressmen, governor, mayor, president…this is on YOU! This does not fall on our current administration. This falls on EVERY administration. This could have ended after Columbine. This could have ended after Sandy Hook. This could have ended years ago! But every single one of you is keeping this cycle going because you are serving yourselves. And now, your hands are bloodied once again. You are the lawmakers. Yet YOU are creating laws allowing this to happen. You don’t allow an 18-year-old to buy beer but they can buy weapons. You make illogical, ridiculous, laws that serve nobody but yourselves!

But you stop, and you send your thoughts and prayers. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting change. What change has come from your thoughts and prayers? Will we ever see change come from your thoughts and prayers? But you go…continue to send those thoughts and prayers. I’m sure they will really bring about change.

And you MUST know that our constitution is a living document, right? I’m sure you learned that somewhere. Then I’m sure you also know that it means it must evolve and adapt to the times. Well, if guns have evolved and changed, then shouldn’t the laws governing them evolve and change, too?

It’s Valentine’s Day…you get to go home tonight. You get to kiss your loved ones goodnight. You get to bring your wife flowers. You get to give your kids chocolate. But 17 sets of parents get to id their children. 17 sets of parents get to plan funerals. 17 sets of parents get to go on for the rest of their lives without their hearts. Because you lost yours.

Today is a sad day for our nation. And what’s even sadder is that nothing will change. Those with the power to do something will once again do nothing. And WE the people will continue to beg for change.

To our current administration…this hasn’t exactly been a scandal free term, has it? It was tarnished before it even began. But now you have the chance to go down as the administration that FINALLY fixes this. Think about that. You have the power to change something. You can actually SERVE us, the people. We want change. For crying out loud, be the administration that creates the change that ends this cycle of insanity. That ends this. Grow a pair and do something. Find your hearts. Because ours are breaking.

We The People

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Posted 2/21/18 12:32 AM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by 2BadSoSad

I COMPLETELY and utterly disagree that working for organizations and writing letters and making your voices heard wont do anything. I think its woefully irresponsible to suggest otherwise.

I never said not to join letter-writing campaigns. I said there are other ways to take more immediate action to show you're fed up with the current response and you demand change. That doesn't mean either set of actions are mutually exclusive. You can do both if you choose to.

Posted 2/21/18 12:35 AM

L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05

9320 total posts

Mrs. B

Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by MissJones

I wrote this the other night. It's a *little* long. But there were so many thoughts going through my mind that i needed to get them down. After reading this thread, I wanted to share it here. I put it on facebook but deleted it. I didn't want to hear some pro gun family member's bs. Because I'm done.

Another sad day in America. And we are all responsible.

We the people are responsible. We are talking and saying there needs to be change. But what are we doing? Talk is cheap. We are responsible because we are not voting. We are sitting and waiting for others to make changes.

Gun owners…you are responsible. You are so scared that someone is going to take your guns away. Guess what? Nobody wants to take your damn guns away. We don’t think guns are the whole issue. But gun laws ARE. We want reform! We don’t believe that military grade weapons belong in the hands of civilians. We don’t believe that people with mental illness should be allowed to buy said weapons. We don’t believe that guns that can fire multiple rounds in seconds belong in the hands of just anyone. If you STILL have a problem with that, then you are thicker than mud! And selfish. Is your gun worth more than someone’s child? Will your world crumble if you lost your gun? Would you fall into a deep depression if you lost your gun? Would life as you know it cease to exist if you lost your gun? Want a handgun for protection? That makes sense. A rifle for hunting? Makes sense. But damn it, our forefathers hunted with muskets and gun powder. Is Bambi packing that much heat that you need something bigger? If you are hunting bear or boar and you doubt your skills, then maybe you should stick to rabbits. But YOU must start speaking up! If you disagree with the current laws, speak up! 17 sets of parents will never, EVER get to kiss their kids good night again. But you go…go ahead…go tuck your guns in for the night and tell them to sleep tight. And then YOU rest easy knowing your precious guns are safe while those parents plan funerals.

Gun makers…oh boy…just because you CAN create a weapon that can annihilate dozens in minutes doesn’t mean you SHOULD, you greedy sons of b******. I hope their souls haunt you for the rest of your days. YOU have a responsibility. YOU! This is on YOU!

Parents…this is on you, too! Start raising your children with consequences! Start instilling kindness. Show them how to care. Show them how to take criticism. Teach them to accept NO as an answer! TALK to your children. Listen to them. Pay attention to them. Teach them respect for life.

Video Game designers…I’m putting this on you, too. When I was a kid, the only shooting game we had was Duck Hunt. I’m sure ducks everywhere ran for cover. But today…shooting games are so easily in the hands of elementary children. We went from shooting pixelated ducks to shooting realistic human beings. On our phones, our tablets, our TVs. Blood splatters on our screens. You can’t believe that YOU have no role in this either.

Schools…this is on you! Start demanding more money for school psychologists, counselors, professionals who can help! Speak up. Stop allowing your concerns to be dismissed. Teachers see mental issues YOUNG. It doesn’t come out of nowhere. We see it young. And we take notes. We write down an anecdotal. We make copies of drawings. We make copies of words. We go to superiors whose hands are tied because there is no money for professionals to assess these children. And these kids leave. Then one day, you read about them in the news. And you say…yup, I called it. We need to stop just calling it and we need to be heard!

Finally, our government. YOU have failed US. AGAIN. We have been asking, no, BEGGING for change. Instead, you choose money. Again and again, you choose money. You choose money over the safety of your citizens. You choose money over logic. You choose money over morals. You choose money over obligation. You have an obligation to US, the people. You took an oath. To protect us. To lead us. To SERVE us. But you have failed us. Generations of politicians. You have failed us. This is not a liberal-conservative issue. This is not a party issue. This is a HUGE, GLARING, blemish on our nation. You have closed psychiatric facilities. You have taken money away from schools. You have allowed this to happen.

You MUST have gone into politics for the right reasons. You wanted to serve the people. You wanted to make this country better. But somewhere along your career, you got lost. And you lost something. You lost your hearts. You lost your reasoning. You lost your beacon. You lost your logic. And consequently, you lost our trust. You lost our faith. And now you have blood on your hands. You’re serving yourselves and you’re serving the gun companies and you’re serving the lobbyists and you’re serving the NRA and you’re doing US a disservice. You are doing our children a disservice. You are doing our nation a disservice. And now you have blood on your hands. Every senator, congressmen, governor, mayor, president…this is on YOU! This does not fall on our current administration. This falls on EVERY administration. This could have ended after Columbine. This could have ended after Sandy Hook. This could have ended years ago! But every single one of you is keeping this cycle going because you are serving yourselves. And now, your hands are bloodied once again. You are the lawmakers. Yet YOU are creating laws allowing this to happen. You don’t allow an 18-year-old to buy beer but they can buy weapons. You make illogical, ridiculous, laws that serve nobody but yourselves!

But you stop, and you send your thoughts and prayers. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting change. What change has come from your thoughts and prayers? Will we ever see change come from your thoughts and prayers? But you go…continue to send those thoughts and prayers. I’m sure they will really bring about change.

And you MUST know that our constitution is a living document, right? I’m sure you learned that somewhere. Then I’m sure you also know that it means it must evolve and adapt to the times. Well, if guns have evolved and changed, then shouldn’t the laws governing them evolve and change, too?

It’s Valentine’s Day…you get to go home tonight. You get to kiss your loved ones goodnight. You get to bring your wife flowers. You get to give your kids chocolate. But 17 sets of parents get to id their children. 17 sets of parents get to plan funerals. 17 sets of parents get to go on for the rest of their lives without their hearts. Because you lost yours.

Today is a sad day for our nation. And what’s even sadder is that nothing will change. Those with the power to do something will once again do nothing. And WE the people will continue to beg for change.

To our current administration…this hasn’t exactly been a scandal free term, has it? It was tarnished before it even began. But now you have the chance to go down as the administration that FINALLY fixes this. Think about that. You have the power to change something. You can actually SERVE us, the people. We want change. For crying out loud, be the administration that creates the change that ends this cycle of insanity. That ends this. Grow a pair and do something. Find your hearts. Because ours are breaking.

We The People

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This needs to go viral!!! We need to post on FB and every social media site there is

Posted 2/21/18 9:35 AM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22132 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

I started a petition on

if you are interested, here it is

Posted 2/22/18 6:59 PM

Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07

7060 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

I work in a nyc school in queens.
We have 1 sometimes 2 security guards. They have no weapon, they let people in or people walk past them (I've had parents at my door at different hours of the day that I never knew were coming). They sit at the desk watching tv or listening to music o their phone. Then when the security guard goes to lunch one of the school aides sits at the security desk in their place. One door at the front iof the building is unlocked always. We are not safe. Trust me.

Message edited 2/22/2018 9:18:04 PM.

Posted 2/22/18 9:17 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22132 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by jgl

I work in a nyc school in queens.
We have 1 sometimes 2 security guards. They have no weapon, they let people in or people walk past them (I've had parents at my door at different hours of the day that I never knew were coming). They sit at the desk watching tv or listening to music o their phone. Then when the security guard goes to lunch one of the school aides sits at the security desk in their place. One door at the front iof the building is unlocked always. We are not safe. Trust me.

Isn't it crazy that we don't have metal detectors? I mean, one part of me thinks it is unfathomable that we are even at that point but the other part of me thinks it's crazy that so few schools have them!

Posted 2/22/18 9:40 PM

Love my little boys!!!

Member since 8/07

7060 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by MissJones

Posted by jgl

I work in a nyc school in queens.
We have 1 sometimes 2 security guards. They have no weapon, they let people in or people walk past them (I've had parents at my door at different hours of the day that I never knew were coming). They sit at the desk watching tv or listening to music o their phone. Then when the security guard goes to lunch one of the school aides sits at the security desk in their place. One door at the front iof the building is unlocked always. We are not safe. Trust me.

Isn't it crazy that we don't have metal detectors? I mean, one part of me thinks it is unfathomable that we are even at that point but the other part of me thinks it's crazy that so few schools have them!

I know but even that isnt an answer bc if someone has an assault riffle they can just shoot everyone standing at metal detectors.

Posted 2/23/18 8:08 AM

Just another chapter in life..

Member since 11/09

54917 total posts

..being a mommy and being a wife!

Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by jgl

Posted by MissJones

Posted by jgl

I work in a nyc school in queens.
We have 1 sometimes 2 security guards. They have no weapon, they let people in or people walk past them (I've had parents at my door at different hours of the day that I never knew were coming). They sit at the desk watching tv or listening to music o their phone. Then when the security guard goes to lunch one of the school aides sits at the security desk in their place. One door at the front iof the building is unlocked always. We are not safe. Trust me.

Isn't it crazy that we don't have metal detectors? I mean, one part of me thinks it is unfathomable that we are even at that point but the other part of me thinks it's crazy that so few schools have them!

I know but even that isnt an answer bc if omeone has an assault riffle they can just shoot everyone standing at metal detectors.

Yeah metal detectors mean nothing for soneone hell bent on getting in

Posted 2/23/18 9:06 AM


Member since 7/12

4376 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Did anyone see the speech by the father who lost his son? He went to the department of education and there was a security guard in the elevator.. brought me to tears. It's so shocking and I am SO inspired by the teenagers in Florida, especially Emma. Hoping Trump sees that maybe THIS can be his big change and does it!

Posted 2/23/18 10:41 AM

It's a girl!!!

Member since 6/10

21536 total posts


What can we do to help make a change???

MissJones...That is SO incredibly well written and powerful!!!!

Posted 2/23/18 11:24 AM


Member since 2/09

5674 total posts

Me speaks pirate!

Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by MissJones

Posted by jgl

I work in a nyc school in queens.
We have 1 sometimes 2 security guards. They have no weapon, they let people in or people walk past them (I've had parents at my door at different hours of the day that I never knew were coming). They sit at the desk watching tv or listening to music o their phone. Then when the security guard goes to lunch one of the school aides sits at the security desk in their place. One door at the front iof the building is unlocked always. We are not safe. Trust me.

Isn't it crazy that we don't have metal detectors? I mean, one part of me thinks it is unfathomable that we are even at that point but the other part of me thinks it's crazy that so few schools have them!

Metal detectors don't work and they won't do squat for an ar-15.

Posted 2/23/18 4:33 PM

I need a nap!

Member since 5/05

22132 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by StaceyWill

MissJones...That is SO incredibly well written and powerful!!!!

Thank you.

Posted 2/23/18 10:16 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 11/09

918 total posts


Re: What can we do to help make a change???

Posted by jgl

Posted by MissJones

Posted by jgl

I work in a nyc school in queens.
We have 1 sometimes 2 security guards. They have no weapon, they let people in or people walk past them (I've had parents at my door at different hours of the day that I never knew were coming). They sit at the desk watching tv or listening to music o their phone. Then when the security guard goes to lunch one of the school aides sits at the security desk in their place. One door at the front iof the building is unlocked always. We are not safe. Trust me.

Isn't it crazy that we don't have metal detectors? I mean, one part of me thinks it is unfathomable that we are even at that point but the other part of me thinks it's crazy that so few schools have them!

I know but even that isnt an answer bc if someone has an assault riffle they can just shoot everyone standing at metal detectors.

ITA metal detectors are a false sense of security. If a someone with an ar-15 wants to shoot up a school they can go/shoot through a window. How is a metal detector going to help the kids at recess?

Posted 2/24/18 6:19 AM
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