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Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

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Member since 5/05

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Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

What does everyone's 14 month old or so say? How many words?

Do they yell/scream alot?

Posted 1/3/07 8:59 AM
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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Posted by sweetness

What does everyone's 14 month old or so say? How many words?

Do they yell/scream alot?

When DD was 14 months she was saying 25-30 words. She could verbalize when she needed to eat, drink,
sleep, knew her body parts, Mommy, Daddy, sister, brother, grandma, pop.

Posted 1/3/07 9:08 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Would vocab be different if the baby was born close to 37 weeks?

PS-I am very concerned about my cousin's son, my cousin in law has been lying to her dr about his vocab and keeps saying since he was born at 36-37 weeks, he's a premie and is a couple months behind.

But isn't that considered full term?

Posted 1/3/07 9:17 AM

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Before 37 weeks is considered preemie, I believe. They use the original EDD to measure when milestones should be achieved for preemies. However, she should not be lying to her doesn't help her child in any way.

Message edited 1/3/2007 9:25:17 AM.

Posted 1/3/07 9:24 AM

boy mamma

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

I think at age 14 months boys only say about 4-5 words and that is considered normal. Its different for girls they have a stronger vocabulary than boys usually. Bryan is 18 months and says a bunch of words maybe 20-30 but he uses maybe 6-8 consistently. But he understands everything.

Posted 1/3/07 9:27 AM

My Loves

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

I think at that age Jake was saying about 30-40 words. His vocabulary was aways very good.

Posted 1/3/07 9:30 AM

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

36+ weeks is considered a full-term baby but that does not mean he was "fully developed". She is right that he could still be considered born a month premature depending on what was developed or not.

For example, my son was born at 34 weeks. He was considered 6 weeks premature. He had no cartilidge in his ears, no wrinkles on his feet, no sucking ability, difficulty keeping his body temperature. However his neonatologist told me weight & length (6lbs 7oz, 21 inches - no GD in the pregnancy) were above average and that he may have been "cooking faster" since a 34 weeker often has a lot more problems.

As for vocabulary, there is a huge range for the words of a 14 month old. One of my kids had well over 50 words (my mother actually counted) that he could say clearly & understood what they meant...I'm not talking about ball, lasagna, Aunt Kat, ladder. My other child was saying about 20 words but not clearly. As long as your cousin's son is babbling, I'd say he's fine.

When you say yell a lot, does he do it in modulated tones? Is he trying to communicate? Yelling & tantrums come at this age because they can't communicate. (BTW, not a speech therapist at all)

Message edited 1/3/2007 9:33:28 AM.

Posted 1/3/07 9:31 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Posted by nrthshgrl

As for vocabulary, there is a huge range for the words of a 14 month old. One of my kids had well over 50 words (my mother actually counted) that he could say clearly & understood what they meant...I'm not talking about ball, lasagna, Aunt Kat, ladder. My other child was saying about 20 words but not clearly. As long as your cousin's son is babbling, I'd say he's fine.

When you say yell a lot, does he do it in modulated tones? Is he trying to communicate? Yelling & tantrums come at this age because they can't communicate. (BTW, not a speech therapist at all)

He really doesn't babble, i haven't heard him babble, but then again i don't see him on a weekly basis.

When he yells, it's just a monotone yell/scream. He just screams at everything, his cup, toys, trying to take my DD's bottle.

I def think that's partly frustration, but he always has done that, since about 6 months old, his parents thought it was cute to hear him scream and encouraged it, so i don't know if that has anything to do with it. I have only heard him yell/scream, yell AHHHHH.

my cousin in law says he says a couple words, but no one besides his parents have heard them.

I really hope everything is okay, he had made other milestones and was walking before his 1st birthday.

He just has no attention span, won't sit and play, my 8 month daughter had more interest in opening presents on christmas than he did, maybe it's a gender difference but my daughter sits and plays longer and pays more attention to things than he does, even when he was her age. All he wanted to do was run around.

Maybe i am reading into it too much, but something inside me is screaming, i just hope its nothing.

She had an emergency c section with him, her dr missed her preecampsia, both of them could have died her pressure was sooo high. When he was born, he wasn't breathing and had to be resessutated, He was in the hospital for about a week and half on oxygen under observation. He is their miracle baby.

Posted 1/3/07 9:49 AM

Mom of 2 Boys

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

My son was probably lucky to be saying 5 words at that point - more like 1-2 if that. He did babble, started to hum, and other sounds. He was gesturing and pointing. He was starting to understand a lot too.

At my 18 month visit my dr said as long as you see continued improvement and other communication skills are there - not to worry. By 18 months, my son's understanding and following directions skills were very high and is another part of communication development. Even at that visit my dr only asked for 5 words on a regular basis. They told me they hate to generalize but they see this so often esp in boys and they don't worry too much about speech until 2 esp when all else is fine. My son is almost 2 and I am a little concerned but not overly. But he is improving everyday and is up about 30 words (was probably at 10 at 18 months) that he uses regularly. Still a llittle behind for his age but he is ahead or average on all other aspects.

My son was also born at 37 weeks - which is considered full term but I always wondered if that effected his development..esp early on - when he was younger he seemed to meet most milestones slightly later than some. But as he got older I found it all evened out and he was ahead on some and behind on others.

Posted 1/3/07 9:59 AM

life moves fast

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

It totally depends on the child.... my son at 14 months was saying very very little.. but eventually caught up... my daughters vocabulary at the same age was unbelievable.... I'm sure it's fine.. 14 months is a little early to worry yet I think Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/07 10:00 AM

my 4 boys!

Member since 6/06

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

my son is 14 months and can say mama, dada and no. he was born at 35 weeks but with my 8 year old being on the autism spectrum----i am scared!

Posted 1/3/07 10:02 AM

Baby #5 on the way!

Member since 9/05

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Genevieve says lot of things - Mama, Dada, Lila (for my dog Delilah), Micka (for Mickey Mouse), Who's That?, Whats That?, No, lots other little things.

She basically just talks and screams in gibberish though! But I think she thinks she is saying something, b/c I hear a lot of the same things over and over again!

Posted 1/3/07 10:27 AM

Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

I've been very quiet around here lately, but i have to speak up on this one.
This is your cousin's child? And you're basically calling them out about what could be nothing, but could very well be something on a public forum? I'd be devastated if a family member posted this about my son. How do you know that they lied to their ped.? How do you know that they're not devastated over their childs lack of progress but dont want to discuss it with relatives yet? What does posting this do to help your cousins child?
I'm sorry, but this is such an issue with me.

Posted 1/3/07 11:33 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Being a mom of two and having a boy and a girl...who are even close in age. You really cannot compare a girl to a girl, much less a boy to a girl. Boys tend to physically develop before girls and girls tend to mentally develop before boys. Even at that, it varies SO much form child to child even when they are siblings. Gabriella did a million things before Gianni and Gianni did a million things before Gabriella. Gianni doesn't speak much, but he understands a lot. He also screams a lot (he just turned 14 months) out of pleasure, frustration, and to annoy his big sister. Gabriella had a much larger vocab at 14 months. Do I think he's developing fine? Yes. He has no interest in speaking because he spends most of his day finding trouble and seeing what object he can scale and get to the top of. Gabriella always played contently and Gianni is ALWAYS in to something. He could care less about most toys...he just wants to explore.

One other thing to note, because I was told that my daughter didn't speak by people who didn't see her all the time. Unless you are seeing them a lot, you really cannot judged by a large scale how many words they do and don't say. Also, as parents who are with their kids all the time, you happen to learn to understand the not so understandable.

My point is, that he seems fine from what you say. That's IMHO.

Posted 1/3/07 11:40 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

I agree with Nancy. My son is 14 months old and he doesn't sit still to play with toys. He is always on the go, exploring, climbing, etc and I don't think that there's anything wrong with him... I just think that babies are different and not all of them are interested in the same activities.

As far as talking, Nicholas doesn't say many words. He says mama, dada, bye, ball and has expressions like uh oh, wow and imitates the sound of a duck... but he understands a lot and follow lots of commands (get down, give a kiss, a hug, come here, bring the ball, etc). Once again, I don't think that he is behind or there's something wrong.... That plus the fact that I speak to him in Spanish and DH speaks to him in English and I've read that bilingual babies take more time to talk.

Just when you are with a baby all the time you know if he is developing fine and maybe your perception about your cousin's baby is different but for what you said he seems fine... although that is just my opinion because I'm a mom and not a Doctor Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/07 12:13 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Okay, I only asked cause I do not have a child that is that old yet, and was just wondering what the range was.
I figured since moms here have BTDT or have kids around that age would know best.

Colesmom-I am not calling them out they don't even know i am on this website neither of us live on LI. She has discussed this many times with family already so i am stating when i have been told and not hearsay.

In my heart i know he is fine, i just get this irking feeling sometimes, especially when she flat out tells me that she told her dr he says more words then he really does. I know if this were my child, i wouldn't be lying to the dr, and if i had an irking feeling something was wrong isn't it better to get them evaluated earlier the better, so god forbid if there is something wrong developmentally he can get the treatment/learning he needs?

My brother had a speech problem when he was younger, he didn't talk at all, I am only 2 years old than he and i did all the talking for him. He went to Boces for speech development for 2 years then went through school at a normal pace,started kindergarden right on time and we both graduated at the top of our classes including college.

My point being, i am just concerned for my cousin's, he's a great kid, and i just wanted some feedback as to what other kids are saying around 13-15 months old.

I am not calling him out, or wishing something on this great kid. I just want feedback, and isn't that okay?

Posted 1/3/07 12:25 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Posted by colesmom

I've been very quiet around here lately, but i have to speak up on this one.
This is your cousin's child? And you're basically calling them out about what could be nothing, but could very well be something on a public forum? I'd be devastated if a family member posted this about my son. How do you know that they lied to their ped.? How do you know that they're not devastated over their childs lack of progress but dont want to discuss it with relatives yet? What does posting this do to help your cousins child?
I'm sorry, but this is such an issue with me.

I don't think she was trying to call them out and devastate/embarass her cousin. For all we know, and most likely, her cousin doesn't even know about LIF. It seems to me that she is genuinely concerned, and to come to LIF for perspectives and advice is something we all do when we have a concern. I know from personal experience (I grew up with a speech impediment and a learning disability) how absolutely CRUCIAL it is for a parent to be on top of these things and to seek and get the assistance that is needed as early as possible, so if I knew someone who had a child with a clear, or maybe even not so clear impediment, and due to embarassment wasn't addressing it as they should, I would be ridiculously concerned, would talk to my friends for advice, and approach the topic with my friend.

When I was in 3th grade I was diagnosed with both the speech impediment and learning disability (by my MOM, I might add). The school district didn't want to help me because I passed all the tests, just barely, but my mother was ridiculously aggressive and finally they relented, and I was given the best assistance you could ever dream of, and I credit that for my success in college, law school and my career. We have family friends who have a son who was diagnosed with similar impediments, around the same age. They were embarrassed, and never sought the assistance he needed, and guess where he is now? Barely finished high school, never went to college and is still living at home.

So, no, I don't think sweetness did anything wrong. In fact, I commend her for her concern Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/07 12:39 PM

LIF Adult

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

As someone who has an austic nephew I will say that when in doubt, get your child tested. We all knew something was wrong with my nephew. He barely used any words and only very early development sounds. He made very little eye contact with people. My brother's Ped kept saying that he is just being himself and all was fine and to give him time. Well a whole family of people could see that things were not right so IMO the Ped should have at least looked into it more.

Again, I feel that often a mother knows. If she is asking people and discussing it then she probably is worried and should go to a new ped and require some testing. He could have a hearing issue that is easily solved or my need some basic speech help to teach him to use words instead of say, pointing.

Posted 1/3/07 12:46 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 5/05

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

I have been crazy about Jacob talking since he only says a few words at 16 months. He says 3 o r4 words tops. However he understands everything I say to him. My ped says this is normal and to relax.. If at 18 months this is still happening then we will discuss it..

From my friends, I do know that even if they get an evaluation they won't look at you at 14 months even at 15 months..

I think sometimes in these forums and with having friends the same age you want to push your child to do what every one else is doing... I try to sit back and remember he is a toddler and will do things when he is ready... Every child is different and will develop at ther own pace..

Posted 1/3/07 1:00 PM

Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Posted by sweetness

Okay, I only asked cause I do not have a child that is that old yet, and was just wondering what the range was.
I figured since moms here have BTDT or have kids around that age would know best.

Colesmom-I am not calling them out they don't even know i am on this website neither of us live on LI. She has discussed this many times with family already so i am stating when i have been told and not hearsay.

In my heart i know he is fine, i just get this irking feeling sometimes, especially when she flat out tells me that she told her dr he says more words then he really does. I know if this were my child, i wouldn't be lying to the dr, and if i had an irking feeling something was wrong isn't it better to get them evaluated earlier the better, so god forbid if there is something wrong developmentally he can get the treatment/learning he needs?

My brother had a speech problem when he was younger, he didn't talk at all, I am only 2 years old than he and i did all the talking for him. He went to Boces for speech development for 2 years then went through school at a normal pace,started kindergarden right on time and we both graduated at the top of our classes including college.

My point being, i am just concerned for my cousin's, he's a great kid, and i just wanted some feedback as to what other kids are saying around 13-15 months old.

I am not calling him out, or wishing something on this great kid. I just want feedback, and isn't that okay?

I wasnt trying to make you feel bad, but my opinion reading your first few posts is that it doesnt at all sound like he's a "great kid" it sounds like you're criticizing the parents, pointing out that your own daughter is more advanced, and showcasing his "flaws". Like Michele31 said, the parents most likely DO know somethings going on. I just think that you could have posted your original concern annonymously and with less judgement.

Posted 1/3/07 1:05 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Posted by colesmom

I wasnt trying to make you feel bad, but my opinion reading your first few posts is that it doesnt at all sound like he's a "great kid" it sounds like you're criticizing the parents, pointing out that your own daughter is more advanced, and showcasing his "flaws". Like Michele31 said, the parents most likely DO know somethings going on. I just think that you could have posted your original concern annonymously and with less judgement.

I understand totally where you are coming fromChat Icon but i totally do not think i was critizing or passing judgement I just wanted to give a little more of the picture.

Each child develops within their own time range, and I do not feel in any way my daughter is advanced, She's just different and her. She hits her milestones some early, and some on the later end of the spectrum, do i get concerned when most babies her age are gobbling up food or crawling and she's not, yes i do, but she does things at her own pace and i am hoping this is the same with my cousin.

My cousin is still really young, he could just be a little behind or just so occupied with walking right now, speech has taken a back seat, i am just concerned and will def be there for my cousin when they need me to be, i am sure as hell hoping by age 2-3 he doesn't shut up!

My cousin's were the first of their family and friends to have kids, as well as us, my DD is right behind him. So none of us have family members or friends with kids older or going through the same thing.

Soooo i wanted to get a range of what others may or may not be doing at his age since we have nothing to guage against. We only have what the books say and we all know each kid develops on their own timetable sometimes.

I am sorry if i offended you colesmom or hit a nerve, but i think you were quick to judge my intentions. I would never ever start a post to call attention to someone's challenges.

I hope i explained betterChat Icon

Posted 1/3/07 1:22 PM

Brady's mom too!

Member since 5/05

1989 total posts


Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Thanks for explaining. This thread hits way way too close to home for me becuase your cousins son is exactly the way my son was at 14 months old. He was also born 5 weeks early. At 15 months I voiced my concern to our pediatrician and it has been a tremendously emotional roller coaster ever since. We were told everything from epilepsy to brain tumor to autism to deafness and my poor little boy went through more testing (some pretty invasive) than I can bear to recall. Please just know that your cousins will need 100% support and will probably be as emotional and supersensitive as i have been to this thread. The guilt as a parent of a special needs child is so overwhelming without feeling like you're being judged by family as well.
Best of Luck to your cousins. Sorry if I overreacted.

Posted 1/3/07 1:31 PM


Member since 5/05

11165 total posts


Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Posted by colesmom

Thanks for explaining. This thread hits way way too close to home for me becuase your cousins son is exactly the way my son was at 14 months old. He was also born 5 weeks early. At 15 months I voiced my concern to our pediatrician and it has been a tremendously emotional roller coaster ever since. We were told everything from epilepsy to brain tumor to autism to deafness and my poor little boy went through more testing (some pretty invasive) than I can bear to recall. Please just know that your cousins will need 100% support and will probably be as emotional and supersensitive as i have been to this thread. The guilt as a parent of a special needs child is so overwhelming without feeling like you're being judged by family as well.
Best of Luck to your cousins. Sorry if I overreacted.

If i was in your shoes, I am not sure how i would have reacted to this post either.

i totally understand and no hard feelings.

I hope your family and your son are doing wellChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 1/3/07 1:56 PM

I love my DS!!!

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

At 15 months my nephew isn't saying much. He says dada, mami and papi...and maybe 2 or 3 other words in spanish but his vocabulary is not that large either. He was born a preemie so i'm not sure if that has anything to do with it...

Posted 1/3/07 3:11 PM

I love my DS!!!

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Re: Vocab for 14 month olds or so? What should they be saying?

Posted by HillandRon

From my friends, I do know that even if they get an evaluation they won't look at you at 14 months even at 15 months..

Yep i've heard of this too. I have friends that have had their child evaluated at 18 months.

Sometimes it takes time. But if you are ever in doubt I would always get them evaluated. I would get concerned if my child were 18 months and up. Speech therapy has really helped those two friends of mine. One of those friends son is now 5 and did speech therapy at 2 and now my friend is like " this kid never shuts up"...

Posted 1/3/07 3:16 PM
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