Time-Saving Toddler Meals

Make meals in large quantities, in advance, and freeze them ice cube trays or small plastic containers. When it's time for a meal, simply defrost a few food cubes or a small container. Some toddler meals that freeze well are:

Whole wheat macaroni and cheese with tomatoes and peas

Ground beef (or firm tofu), spaghetti sauce and whole wheat elbow macaroni

Burrito filling made from beans and mild enchilada sauce. Defrost and roll filling in a flour tortilla.

Hash brown potatoes with chopped broccoli or spinach. Defrost and serve with melted cheese on top.

Strive to have no-hassle healthy snacks on hand at all times.

Frozen veggies (peas, carrots, green beans): a small amount cooks up quickly

Fresh fruits (blueberries, peaches, strawberries, grapes): avoid hard fruits (unless they are cooked), and cut the fruits into small pieces; grapes should be quartered.

Whole grain cereals (puffed wheat, Cheerios)

Rice cakes and whole grain crackers


Semi-hard cheeses (cheddar, Jack, provolone) cut into cubes of thin slices
Bake healthy foods for your family. Most baked goods freeze great and defrost quickly:
Make cookies with real fruit or fruit juice. Do not make large cookies; keep them small. For toddlers, two cookies are much better than one, no matter what the size.

Add shredded carrots or zucchini, or pureed pumpkin to muffins and sweet breads. Consider buying a mini muffin pan or slice the quick bread loaf in half longwise and then slice it into pieces.

Bake bread with whole wheat flour.