I am so glad we're not alone. I was just talking to my husband about this very same thing the other day. DS is 27 months and he's very strong willed. He;s been throwing major tantrums lately. He whines when I don't feed him what he wants, which is MAC and CHEESE! I can't feed him that every day!
He wants to wear a certain shirt or certain pants and demands his "Hockey Shirt" or his "football shirt" every day lately..

Also, he's giving me a REAL hard time with getting in his convertible car seat each time now, which makes me dread even wanting to go out. He will arch his back, scream, yell.. he thinks it's a game. I try so hard to remain calm and talk to him in a calm way but, sometimes I feel like I am going to LOSE it.
Especially, since it's been so cold and he's fighting me to get in the car and I am freezing my butt off. Chat Icon