have you started meds yet?

If you remember for the last 2 years, Eddies face has swelled up, his eyes have swelled closed, he breaks out into one giant, itchy hive and his CV Asthma begins once the trees start blooming and he more or less cant get outside at all during the spring and he needs to be washed down when he comes indoors.

I noticed the last two days he has been rubbing his eyes and nose and was like...oh no, here we go so I started him on claritin yesterday to get it built up in his system. Hes on Claritin year round, need to refill his nasonex.

Anyone else start taking preventative measures yet?

I also switched him from Zyrtec to Claritin this year bc the last two years I felt like the Zyrtec didnt do anything. Do you feel one works better than the other?