we rocked abby religiously till she was about 6 1/2 months old.. then it was taking at least 45 min of solid rocking to get her to sleep and it was out of hand... we shared a room with her. so it was VERY HARD.... we dediced our only option was CIO. so it took us 3 DAYS and she now still at 13.5 months old puts herself to sleep... she now says "night night" waves and heads to her room when shes ready... always between 730 and 8pm. she stands infront of her crib and waits for us to put her in. she usually plays a little and drinks her bottle and within about 15 mins or so shes sound asleep with out a peep. shes in her own room now but she was in our room till she was 10 months. id be happy to help with the way i did CIO it was a mixture of all methods i kinda just did what worked for us. Chat Icon