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BTDT C-Section Moms

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Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

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BTDT C-Section Moms

So please tell me...what is the recovery really like? Mine is scheduled so I hope that makes it easier. Chat Icon

What kind of pain meds do you get? I HATE taking meds. I never wanted any narcotics. I do not want to be groggy or out of my mind but I am so scared of the pain. Are you able to even hold the baby normal? How is BFing? Sorry, I just don't know what to expect. None of my friends had sections.

Posted 8/23/08 8:49 AM
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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I was in labor for 24 hours, pushed for almost 3 and DD got stuck so I had a c-section. I'm looking forward to my next because it will be scheduled and I won't have to do all that work first.

Everyone's recovery is different. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I was more stiff and tender than in pain. I only took Ibuprophen, I never needed anything stronger. My belly was also numb for a few months afterward so that probably helped.

Get up and get walking as soon as you can, it really helps. Getting in and out of bed was probably the most difficult thing for me. Just go slow and you learn quickly how to do it kind of sideways. Counging, laughing and sneezing aren't the most pleasant things, holding a pillow against your belly will help.

Good Luck!!!!!

ETA: I was able to hold DD with no problem. For nursing I put her on a boppy or used the football hold.

Message edited 8/23/2008 9:22:33 AM.

Posted 8/23/08 9:21 AM

Our family is complete

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

My first C/S was emergency, so recovery for me was hard being that my body already went through such trauma with labor.
Being that I know your schedule, I will try to help you out a little Chat Icon
You will go into surgery Fri morning and then go to recovery (still in L&D) for a bit. You will be on an epidural and a catheter until Saturday morning. They also put these "boots" on your legs that contract to keep your blood flow going.
As far as pain meds, you will be on an IV and they hook up the painkillers to that. You will get a button to press to administer your own meds. It won't let you overdose, but you are in control to an extent.
You will probably be up by Saturday and ready to shower. It's up to you how much you want to walk around.
Dr. H told me that he might let me go home as early as Sunday. I am not sure if I will take it or stay until Monday. It all depends on how I feel. Chat Icon

Let me know if you have any other questions. See you in 6 days Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 9:32 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had a scheduled c-section. I was 4 days past my due date and wasn't progressing.

My recovery wasn't bad at all. I also hate taking medication. In the hospital I took the pain medicine about 3 times a day (usually when I woke up, in the middle of the day and at night before I went to bed). I know they gave me motrin and another pain med. I'm not going to lie. I was in pain. I had my c-section at 9am and DD was brought to my room around 12pm. I was able to hold her just fine. I didn't BF but I don't think it would have been a problem if I wanted to.

I was up and moving that same night and the next day after they took the catheter out I was able to change into my own clothes and I felt much better.

Once I got home I took the pain medicine only once. It didn't really help me much so I didn't see the point in taking them.

For about the 1st week I slept on my couch at night. I couldn't get up once I was laying down in bed. It was easier to get up if I could lean on the back of the couch.

By the 2nd week I felt so much better. I could move around fine and was even able to drive myself to a follow up appt at my OB at 2 weeks.


Posted 8/23/08 9:39 AM

Love my Family!

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

No lie, its painful! My 2nd C was scheduled.....

I didn't like to take a lot of med's either, so they gave me Motrin and it helped me a lot.

Try to get up right away and walk around, it actually helps you to heal faster!

Going to the bathroom is a PITA, but after a few days it won't be so bad.

I had staples, I didn't want them but had no choice. If you get them, try not to cough or sneeze cause it will hurt!! I had a cough attack in my room and thought I was going to pass out from the pain, thats when I asked for stronger meds--lol

I EBF and it was easy for me to do so after my C, bring your boppy pillow it helps a lot!

The first few days are the worst, but it does get better! Don't be nervous....Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 9:45 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I can't tell you about the BF when you have a c/s, I didn't do it.

I'm not going to hurts. The most painful thing was when the nurse made me get up out of bed and sit in the chair the next morning. But you have to get up in order to feel better.
The pain meds will be your friend. They will ask you at what level your pain is (1-10) and will medicate you accordingly. I was given Motrin in the hospital (which wasn't enough for me) but it didn't make me loopy or groggy.

Just remember, the pain is only temporary.Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 9:47 AM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

Posted by merri221

I had a scheduled c-section. I was 4 days past my due date and wasn't progressing.

I had my c-section at 9am and DD was brought to my room around 12pm. I was able to hold her just fine. I didn't BF but I don't think it would have been a problem if I wanted to.

By the 2nd week I felt so much better. I could move around fine and was even able to drive myself to a follow up appt at my OB at 2 weeks.


So didn't see the baby for 3 hours?????? Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 9:48 AM

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had a quasi emergency c-section. I was completely terrified, and then when it was all over I was wondering what I was so scared of.

My biggest complaint was that I didn't get to see DD and hold her immediately in the delivery room like a mommy who goes through labor, and then because of my preeclampsia I was in recovery for what seemed like FOREVER and didn't get to see her until I got to a room.

BFing was not a problem with the incision at all.

Posted 8/23/08 10:11 AM

He's here!

Member since 12/06

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

My induction failed which is why I had a c-section. I had DD at 5:57 am. I saw her when she was born but then passed out from sheer exhaustion because I had been in labor for two days. (You probably won't have that problem.) They gave her to DH and they left while the doctors stitched me up.

I was brought into recovery and by that time they put DD to the nursery. I was in recovery for about 3 hours and then they brought me up to my room and gave DD to me immediately. I had no trouble holding her. I wasn't in any pain because they have me a huge shot of drugs that lasted until the next morning. (I didn't have a pump)

The nurses made me get up that same afternoon to sit in a chair (catheter and all)

The next day they took it out and I was able to take a shower and put my own clothes on. At that point they were giving me ibuprophine and oxicodone. Take the meds!!! It isn't worth toughing out the pain. I know... I tried and it only made it harder.

I had staples and they took them out right before I left. It didn't hurt at all.

From the time I have birth until the day I left was 5 days.

The worst part was trying to go to the bathroom after I got home. Things didn't seem to be moving quite so well Chat Icon Other than that by two weeks I was feeling fine.

Good Luck Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 11:12 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

Hayley was an emergency c-section.

I was in recovery for a bit and then they brought me to my room. I didn't have an epidural in after leaving the OR I was given pain pills but I did have the cathater in until the next morning. My pain meds were given to me by the nurses, not by IV. The 1st day of walking hurt. Take it a little at a time...don't push yourself. The pain meds did make me a bit sleepy but I wan't out of it.

You might get nauseous when they give you the spinal/epidural for surgery. In recovery you might get the chills. You also might get itchy...all side effects from the spinal/epidural. You also might get pain in your shoulders like you slept is gas...ask the nurse for a hot pack to help relieve it.

It will all be worth it in the end Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 11:36 AM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had an Emergency C/S
I got to hold the baby for a few minutes while they were sewing me back up. Then DH went with him to the nursery and came back to me in Recovery. I stayed in Recovery for about 3 hours..and then to my room and they brought the baby to me as soon as I got in the room.

The 1st day was not so bad due to all the pain meds they give you IV wise.

I too hate taking pain meds and refused anything but Motrin and I was a dummy. The second day when they asked me to move to the chair, I thought they were on crack and couldnt stop crying from the immense pain. It was HORRID. gets better and it gets better fast.

It was a bit sad watching DH take the baby to the nursery at night and DH had to change the diapers and do most of the stuff the first day or two but the more I moved and walked, the less the pain got and I gave in and took some pain pills and I didnt feel groggy at all. I had visitors and all I felt was a tiny bit sleepy. But keep up with those Motrin, every 4-6 hours, even throughout the night I took them and once I did that I was much better.

Sleeping was hard because you cant move too well and have to sleep on your back. It took me about 6-7 days to be able to sleep on my side and everything was much better then.

No lie, its hard work, but its bareable, especially when you have a baby to look at!

Posted 8/23/08 11:50 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 10/07

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

my section was great this time around. and i know we have the same dr and hospital so i hope i can help! I delivered and as soon as I was closed back up (dh was holding the baby during that whole time) they moved me off the table and I immediatly held the new baby. I kept him in my arms while being wheeled to recovery. I was able to hold him for about an hour or so and yes i did attempt to breastfeed right in recovery. (he wasnt up for it yey so we did it later on). They took him to the nursery to get checked and cleaned up while I was moved to my room and set up there. I got him back pretty soon afterwards. As far as pain, I didnt need it so much this time around but I was still hooked up to the epidural which i could push a button and give me pain relief every 10 minutes. Once that came off I alternated percoset and motrin. FM me if you need to know anything else!

Posted 8/23/08 12:02 PM

i run for bacon

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

Posted by mikeswife06

So please tell me...what is the recovery really like? Mine is scheduled so I hope that makes it easier. Chat Icon

What kind of pain meds do you get? I HATE taking meds. I never wanted any narcotics. I do not want to be groggy or out of my mind but I am so scared of the pain. Are you able to even hold the baby normal? How is BFing? Sorry, I just don't know what to expect. None of my friends had sections.

My recovery was pretty bad - but my c-section was not planned. I had already been in labor for a total of 44 hours and pushed for 4 hours, so that might have been a contribution.

Immediately after I was passed out asleep for 4 hours. I am also they type of person who hates taking any type of meds, but I was begging for them with the c-section. I took motrin every couple of hours and oxycodone every couple of hours - I took the most I could and as often as I could. I did not feel groggy or out of my mind. I was able to hold the baby. I was BFing, it was perfectly fine. It was VERY VERY hard for me to get up out of bed. My DH or a nurse had to help me up. My DH even had to help me sit and get up from the toilet. My legs were extremely swollen so with that combined with the incision and lack of stomach muscles I could barely move. My last night in the hospital I was crying that I didn;t want to go home the next day and I was considering staying there an extra day. After a week things got a lot easier but for me the first 3 days were very hard and painful.
Now my sister had none of these problems, so everyone is different.

Posted 8/23/08 12:04 PM

Living on a prayer!!!

Member since 10/05

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I got to hold the baby right away.

The surgery itself is pretty much a breeze. I was talking throughout the entire thing.

Recovery is HARD The first few days!

Getting up for the first time - OUCH! Be prepared.

Also - a student nurse told me a trick to walking - that no one else who has had a section has heard of: -WALK BACKWARDS. When you are first up and going to say the bathroom - walk there backwards. It takes the pressure off the front of your body and helps so much. It was a lifesaver.

ROTATE the Percoset (or vidodin I don't remember what they give you) and the Motrin. That is the best way to manage the pain relief. Don't be shy with asking for drugs - I needed them every four hours for awhile.

Bring a boppy with you to the hospital that way you can place that on you - and also hold your DC.

If you have a high bed at home - maybe get a step stool to get in/out of bed. That helped me alot also.

Be prepared to bleed ALOT after the section. I thought the bleeding would be less than a vaginal birth - it wasn't. Take ALL of the pads from the hospital - they are so much better than store bought pads.

All in all - it's hard - but it's not THAT bad and you get to hold your little amazing baby after it all!

Posted 8/23/08 12:06 PM

Drama Momma

Member since 9/06

9947 total posts


Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

Thanks girls. I appreciate all the honesty and advice. I am still scared out of my skull but I know it will all be worth it. Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 12:17 PM

needs to update her avatar pic

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Felice (aka LuckyBride2004)

Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had Dylan 11 days ago and I have already driven, slept on my tummy for a few nights and walked around my neighborhood. Other than an occasional twinge, I feel great!
Since I went 6 weeks early, what was supposed to be a scheduled c-section turned into an emergency. I got to the hospital at 11, was in the OR by 11:30 and DH was holding him by 11:45. I had a spinal, not an epidural, which felt like a pinch in my back then I felt no pain at all. I could wiggle my toes the whole time but I did not feel being cut or anything. I did feel some tugging when they moved things around and took the baby out but that was it. My arms were not tied down (they were just laying out from my sides) and I did not have any oxygen or anything so I felt like I was just laying down. After I delivered, DH was holding DS and brought our heads together so I could kiss him Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon DS was then taken to the NICU because he was so early.
After I was sewn up, I was wheeled to recovery for 2 hours. Once I could move my legs on my own and lift up my butt, I was taken to my room on the maternity floor. While in the recovery room, I was given 2 doses of pain killers through my IV. Once I got to my room, I asked for more pain killers and I got a shot in my tush. Not really sure what they were but they took the edge off, never made me feel like I was out of it. I still had my catheter in at this point. The catheter was removed after 12 hours, at midnight. That was when I got up and walked around my room a bit to show the nurse I wouldn't faint. I started to pump the next day (again, DS was a NICU baby so my experience was a little different here) and was finally able to nurse him in the NICU a few days later. I did hold him on the 2nd day.
DS has now been home since Wednesday and I am (almost) EBF - we have a baby nurse who is doing the 1:00 AM feeding so I can sleep. As I wrote in the beginning, I feel really great. I an still taking a Motrin at night, but that is it.

Good luck!!!

Posted 8/23/08 12:26 PM

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I also had a scheduled c-section. The recovery is kind of bad, but not terrible. The first few days in the hospital are rough- I couldn't walk around without pain, it was very painful getting up out of bed, and I couldn't pick the baby up out of the bassinet- someone always had to give her to me. Then a few days at home were uncomfortable. But I took the pain medicine religiously. I took the prescription stuff PLUS the motrin. At home I was only on the Motrin. After two weeks, it was fine.

So, yes it hurts like heck for a few days. Then it doesn't. IMO, it's better than the potential pain of a natural birth & at least it's scheduled, so no labor!

The pain meds did not make me very groggy. Take them!!

Posted 8/23/08 1:17 PM


Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had a complete previa, so I had a pretty complex c-section. My incision is bigger than most, and I was warned that my recovery might be worse. In reality it was not that bad, and I only took Motrin once or twice when I was first sitting and standing, which was the only time I really felt any pain.

The BFing was not so bad, but DS was very tiny. Just ask the nurse in the hospital for an extra pillow to help with BFing. I was able to get baby G out of the isolette right away.

When I got home I was moving slowly but I did not need meds.

Message edited 8/23/2008 1:56:08 PM.

Posted 8/23/08 1:54 PM

Family of 5!

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<3 Mommy <3

Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had a scheduled c-sect and had no problems..

Immediately out of surgery, whatever they gave me in the IV- made me sick..

But from then on in, it was percaset and then vicadins..


Key to recovery is getting outta bed and walking, you WILL NOT be able to do that w/o the meds...

I remember I tried to take a shower the day after DS was born and asking for motrin only- it was TERRIBLE.

As long as I took the meds every 3-4hrs as directed I was fine...

I got out of bed the night of my c-sect and sat up in a chair, the next day I was walking..

Take things slow, and dont get me wrong it will hurt, but if you take care of yourself, rest, and take the meds- its totally bearable!

I vacuumed my house after being home 3 days.. (which I do not advise since I reopened my incision, but my point is- I felt good enough to do itChat Icon )

Posted 8/23/08 2:44 PM

Sweet Jessie Quinn

Member since 5/05

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had a scheduled one.

Seriously, painfree.

After surgery, I took one dose of ibprofren, I was scared to have spinal wear off...

The nurse came in and asked my pain level, I said zero, the spinal must still be working....
she laughed and said there is no way the spinal is still working(it was like 8 hours later)Chat Icon

That was it...never another dose.

No pain, walking to cafeteria the next morning with DH...

I lived on the 3rd floor, stairs were never a bother either.

I bf for the next 18 months.

good luck!

Posted 8/23/08 2:44 PM

My 3 wishes

Member since 12/07

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I was a scheduled c-section and the recovery for me was not bad at all ! Of- course your a little sore, and the muscles need to get their strength back (ex: getting up from a lying down position etc...) but even though I wasnt supposed to , I was up and down my stairs of my house 20 times a day, no problem at all...Also, simple things like putting your shoes on is a little harder but overall it was a whole lot better than I ever would have thought !Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 3:12 PM


Member since 6/07

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had a c-section after 23 hours of labor. I was petrified the recovery was going to be extremely painful and I wouldn't be able to care for DS.

Well, I was plesantly surprised.

After surgery, my epidural gave me initial pain relief for my first night.

The next morning, I was BEGGING my nurse to get me out of bed ASAP because I knew it would help to get moving. Reluctantly, she got me out of bed earlier than planned but it really was great to get that first initial sore few steps going.

The key to feeling better is staying on top of your pain medication. You don't feel groggy if you NEED the medication. They gave me motrin and percoset every 4-6 hours. I took both every 4 and I really was feeling fantastic by the 3rd day.

Keep in mind, everyone perceives pain differently. For me, it was a breeze. SO much better than I expected. I requested disolvable sutures while I was in the OR and my OB gladly obliged so I dodged the stapes luckily.

Breastfeeding is easy if you have a boppy. It not only brings the baby up to you so you don't use muscles, it cushions your belly too.

Just be prepared to take things slow. Getting out of bed SLOW. Walking down the hall and up/down stairs SLOW.

You'll be fine! Good luckChat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 9:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 4/07

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

It hurts, a lot, but it will all be a distant memory before you know it. Just remember that. Take your medicine for the first few days, get up and moving, and you will be fine in a few weeks.Chat Icon

Posted 8/23/08 9:08 PM

Mommy to 2 amazing little boys

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had a scheduled c-section, which IMO made a difference. Everyone I know who had a scheduled vs those who labored first, we have had very different recoveries.

I felt recovery was fairly easy. I can't imagine it having been any easier. The day of his birth I was on morphine pump (so I could medicate as I felt necessary) and was at bit out of it, by 7pm I was ready to pass out. I did BF though within probably and hour or so of his birth with no issues. Although I did have a 10lb baby, so I felt awkward laying him on my belly so I did the football hold mostly.

The next day at 7am they took me off the morphine and got me up to walk, I took a dose of percoset that day. Then for the next 2 days I took one dose of motrin only (the nurse laughed because I even requested the motrin at the same time of day) and never filled my pain med prescription outside the hospital.
I was able to care for the baby completly on my own and felt comfortable. I was sore, moving slowly, but not in any pain.

I think that being scheduled helped and letting hte nurses take care of hte baby at night and getting my sleep helped. DS had no issues transitioning from FF to BF so for 2 of the 3 nights I was in the hospital I put DS in the nursery at 10/11 and got him at 7am. I slept well and I think that aided in my recovery.


ETA: i will agree getting out of bed the first time was painful. I did alot of walk, moving around, etc, also pass gas with pride, it helps alot. I didnt find using hte bathroom to be an issue. I will say my spinal wore off during surgery on my right side, and whenever I had "pain" it was on my right side. I dont think the Drs took me seroulsy during surgery when I told them I was feeling something, but it was at the end so it wasnt bad.
My L&D nurse was great in recovery at making sure I was comfy. The first pain med they gave me in my IV did NOTHING! So be honest and take the meds if you need them! You dont get extra points for not asking for them!

Message edited 8/23/2008 10:05:13 PM.

Posted 8/23/08 9:57 PM

I love Gary too..on a plate!

Member since 5/06

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Re: BTDT C-Section Moms

I had a scheduled c-section.

And I won't lie. The recovery was VERY hard for me. I BFd too so I felt it took me longer to recoup also.

The spinal tap was a dream. I felt no pain. I was warm from the warm blanket. I was in heaven.

After DS was "out", they cleaned him up and DH brought him to me.

I asked to BF him right away when I arrived in the recovery room. I was shaking a lot but they let me do it. I INSISTED!!!

It was great!

After that I spend 7 hours there throwing up.

I could not take narcotics due to bad reactions to them prior to even being PG. So it was hard for me and the pain.

Coupled with the BF, it was hard.

Luckily DH took 2 weeks off and that was a savior.

It took me 1.5 weeks to even feel I could function.

I was OK by the time DH went back to work.

I feel I was NOT the norm though. Most people feel better sooner and heal a bit faster. I just had a lot of pain in the hospital snce I was limited on serious drugs.

I do suggest you take the drugs. They will help you move sooner and get things going.

Posted 8/23/08 10:12 PM
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