Hi ladies,
I don't post much at all, I am a major lurker because I can't really logon from work.

I just had a "fun" experience with my 1 hr glucose test and wanted to share so no one else has the same problem as me. The way my Dr. office does the screen is that they gave me the delicious drink (sarcasm) at my appt. last month and told me to drink it before I went to my appt. this month. So, I did and after I saw my dr. I went to the lab (upstairs) and had my blood drawn.

2 days later I get my results - I failed with a 149. Of course, it was a Friday, my dr. wasn't in, and I freaked all weekend because I was not excited about drinking the devil juice again for the 3 hr. test, and I am a huge wimp about needles.

So, I looked a little bit more in to the test (I am a nerd and I also work in a clinical lab, so I am super-nerdy about this stuff). The "loading dose" for the 1-hour test is 50 grams of glucose. THe bottle they gave me to drink was a 75 gram bottle!!!!

The follow-up is that my dr. was happy with the 149 result with a 75 g loading dose, so I am ok and don't need further testing done.

My advice: Check the bottle they give you!!! For the 1-hour test, most labs want a 50 g loading dose, so your bottle should say 50 grams of glucose (might say dextrose or glucola). Double check with whoever gives it to you - apparently my dr's office doesn't even stock the 75 g bottles, but apparently they got one accidently, and I was the lucky patient to get it. Chat Icon