We are selling our Graco Modes Click Connect Travel System in Downton. We have been using the carrier and the stroller frame since April, the stroller seat we actually never used. I also have an extra car seat base that was installed but never used. Everything is in excellent condition of course. The travel system is currently on sale at TRU for 319.99


The additional car seat base is 54.99 new.

I am hoping to get $250 for all that is mentioned above.

We are also selling a Halo Bassinest Essentia series. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=53047926&cp=&parentPage=search it retails for 199.99. My daughter never used it because she couldn't lay flat due to reflux but it has a couple of scuff marks on the base due to us moving it from room to room. Asking $100 for the bassinest.

Send me a FM if interested. Thanks!