DD will be 3 at the end of January. She had always been a great sleeper up until the last few months. We moved in September and she went from sharing a room with her younger brother to now having her own room. I figured with the transition to the new house/own room we would have some issues. Things got better and she was going to sleep at her normal bed time and sleeping through the night.

Fast forward to the last few weeks she started not wanting to go to bed, insisted that DH or I sleep with her and waking up once or twice in the middle of the night. She would go back down after a little comforting and sleep till morning. The last two weeks however she started saying she hated her bed and it was to small. She was still in the crib since she never attempted to climb out. DH thought we should get a toddler bed thinking this would solve the bed to small dilemma. So we took her to the store, let her pick out the bed she wanted ( Disney princess with a canopy over it) she was so excited as it was out together and couldn't wait to take her nap. She is still waking up at night, only now she can get out of bed, takes her hours to fall asleep, we put her in at 830-845 and she is still awake after 1030. After finally falling asleep she wakes at 3 gets out of bed and cries by her door, if we go in and put her back to bed she falls right back to sleep. But she is then waking up at 6 and falling asleep in our bed till 10am.

Has anyone else had such sleep issues? What did you do? Thank you for reading this rambling message and all the help and advice is appreciated.