well, today starts out with getting up late to get kryssy to school. ok drive her in. come home doing what i need to do on the computer...

knock knock knock umm peek through my window so man is there, ok do not panic. do not panic.. he turns around and he has my chi in his armsChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon wait how what when.... look at all the gates they are closed and no holes under the fence... ok so i am watching him to see what he is doing. then i let him out again watch where he is going... well the SMALLEST gap between my fence and my neighbors is howChat Icon so now i have to find away to fix that.

wait it gets better.

thanks to his little circus act i found what i thought was to be my other dog digging, NOT... but a nice size sink holeChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon and guess what it is under... can ya just guess... you got it my poolChat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

so you see this can be on home, pets or here... ok now i am off to call allstate and ask them why after 2 years of having a new cesspool put in that i am getting a sink hole Chat Icon