Hey Ladies....I wouldn't normally do this but I thought there maybe some people on here that would want to help out or even join this team

This week we got terrible news, my friends Courtney and Bryan found out that their baby, which they have since named Grace was terminally ill. She was diagnosed with a severe case of Spina Bifida as well as anecephaly which means that the baby's brain was not developing & there was liquid leaking into it.Due to these complications Baby Grace did not make it.

Baby Grace is an angel now, and in her memory I am walking with the March of Dimes to help support the countless other babies and families out there who are dealing with similar situations.

The March of Dimes conducts research on spina bifida and our donations would help to further any research.

Every dime counts, so please help.

Contributing to my march online is fast, easy and secure. You can donate directly from my personal webpage with a credit/debit card or PayPal. If you prefer, I can also accept cash or check. Just click the appropriate box on my webpage.

To get there click the link below:
My Personal Page

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