I had the fire department install it yesterday. My question is that even though it's reclined all the way Connor is still sitting upright a bit. His head tilts all the way forward when he tries to sleep. When I had it installed with Caiden we had it in the middle seat which is a more flat seat then the outside seats. They're more inclined. We have to use the outside seats because of Caiden's seat. My question is that since it's not as reclined as Caiden's seat was and I know he's not comfortable can we use something under the front of the seat to make it slope back a little bit more? With the infant seat the fire department used piece of a water noodle to make it level. Would it be unsafe if we did that? Thanks!

I just got back from the fire department. They used the noodle the get the angle right. They said it doesn't interfere with it's safety. So that's done!