Well, napping is a mess for my DD..she wakes at different times each am and needs naps according to when she wakes up...did you start having a routine by 7 months and how does one go about getting them on one...here is my major prob-she takes a huge stretch from 11-1 and refuses to go back down, she fights it wakes right back up, she is really strong willed! Nightime can be a mess on the days where she wont go back down...ugh, i am dying at night and then she doesnt sleep as well...

So, today i had my nanny wake her after an hour or so from the 11 one and we put her back down around 145 and she is still out!!!
She usually takes an 8 am one as she is a real early riser Chat Icon getting up between 5-530 every morning...i have a lark i am telling you...her 8 am one is always a cat nap of say 40 min.... Just wondering what you are doing with yours!!!