So dd USED to be a really good independent player. Then she went through a phase where she was sick for about a month where she needed to be held almost all the time...

Once she got better she started crawling, pulling up to stand and cruising. I thought all of this newfound independence would lead to her wanting to take off on her own, but all she wants to do now is to crawl to me and jump into my lap... all the time... Its like now that she found out that she has the capabilitiy to move shes my shadow, she literally won't leave my side. I honestly don't mind too much, I enjoy the cuddle time and while its hard to get stuff done it could be worse.

My only real concern is that she is not really playing with her toys these days... She used to be able to sit and play with her toys for hours on and off, now all she wants to do is sit and play with me... I feel like toys and independent play are such an important part of development that she really isn't doing so much now. Should I be worried that at 11 months she isn't interested by her toys the way she used to be. Is this a phase, is there something I can do to get her interested in her toys again?