Hey everyone,
I see lots of people here was that they got so much of ...... for a baby that they can't use or return. I thought this was a great way to put those items to great use!
These families are close to my heart because my husband is a 2 time Iraq war veteran, several friends went through their pregnancy/birth/newborn phase with their dh's deployed, Chat Icon
So if anyone has anything the would like to donate items, I will include a link to items needed, and of course they are always accepting money as well.
I will be happy to do all of the organizing and shipping.

Operation Shower
Operation Shower is about celebrating and honoring military families. Operation Shower is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides joyful baby showers for military families to ease the burden of deployment.

For military families who are expecting a new baby and are experiencing or have recently experienced deployment, we accomplish our mission through:

* hosting amazing baby showers
* delivering high-quality products
* creating a shared experience
* partnering with organizations to provide value-added services, such as health-related information

Items Needed

To Donate Money

If you have items to donate, contact me via FM and I will happily give you my address for shipping, or drop offs (I live in mid Suffolk)