I have a project that is my project. It's my baby. It was my idea, I created the set up, worked on it, and produced it. All mine!!

Well happy news is the COO wants me to update it and it's going to become the standard training manual for new employees and a power point presentation will follow as well as having this get published on the website as a training tool.

Bumping heads part: I get told by my boss I need to work with this guy on the project. ok not bad, but instead he took my baby and is making it into a monster. He's giving me timelines, responsibilities, goals, and instructions on how it needs to look and basically telling me that everything that I have is wrong. Chat Icon Chat Icon He told me that the 5 steps should be 2 and that I need to re-evaluate the steps taken to get to my answer. I told him you need to investigate. He told me we are not here to do investigations, we are here to collect the money for the company. I got so angry. Things need to be looked at more. He told me I am wrong. I told him well this is why the person who trained you was fired because she didnt know her @$$ from her elbow. My one hour meeting with him turned into 2 1/2 hours. We bumped heads about 3 times through out the entire meeting.

What do you do when you have to work on a project with someone you just know is going to turn into torture Chat Icon