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Puppet President???

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Member since 6/05

3273 total posts


Puppet President???

This is so concerning. It isn’t the first time he had said he was supposed to do xy&z or they told me to call on xy&z.

Who is calling the shots? Why can’t the man take questions? Or call on whoever he wants.

Posted 9/8/21 2:49 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Because they know he can’t. We knew from the beginning he is not up to doing this job but they wanted to win at any and all costs.

Message edited 9/8/2021 2:58:07 PM.

Posted 9/8/21 2:57 PM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

I’m so confused about this while puppet thing.

Almost all people in public have publicist/handlers/advicers/etc. telling them to not answer certain questions or answer questions this way. Don’t take more etc. this is nothing new.

Granted some don’t listen to them example Trump. I would hope someone in his party was constantly urging him to shut his mouth and to not post crap on Facebook and Twitter. Clearly he ignored it when he really should have listened.

Also does anyone really think any president does anything on their own. They have advisors for a reason. They are taking advice and I am sure being told what to do.

We also have checks and balance for reason. The president can only do so much on his own anyway.

The media and the article posted here is a perfect example of twisting things to make it seem more than what it is.

FTR I’m not a Biden fan but I also have nothing against him.

Posted 9/8/21 3:08 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Puppet President???

I came in here thinking this would be about Trump being the puppet for Putin.

Posted 9/8/21 3:12 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by blu6385

I’m so confused about this while puppet thing.

Almost all people in public have publicist/handlers/advicers/etc. telling them to not answer certain questions or answer questions this way. Don’t take more etc. this is nothing new.

Granted some don’t listen to them example Trump. I would hope someone in his party was constantly urging him to shut his mouth and to not post crap on Facebook and Twitter. Clearly he ignored it when he really should have listened.

Also does anyone really think any president does anything on their own. They have advisors for a reason. They are taking advice and I am sure being told what to do.

We also have checks and balance for reason. The president can only do so much on his own anyway.

The media and the article posted here is a perfect example of twisting things to make it seem more than what it is.

FTR I’m not a Biden fan but I also have nothing against him.

I think she is referring more to the people they only allow him to call on as they have already discussed what they will be asking him and know they won’t go astray as he flies off the handle quickly.

Posted 9/8/21 3:37 PM


Member since 6/05

3273 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by blu6385

I’m so confused about this while puppet thing.

Almost all people in public have publicist/handlers/advicers/etc. telling them to not answer certain questions or answer questions this way. Don’t take more etc. this is nothing new.

Granted some don’t listen to them example Trump. I would hope someone in his party was constantly urging him to shut his mouth and to not post crap on Facebook and Twitter. Clearly he ignored it when he really should have listened.

Also does anyone really think any president does anything on their own. They have advisors for a reason. They are taking advice and I am sure being told what to do.

We also have checks and balance for reason. The president can only do so much on his own anyway.

The media and the article posted here is a perfect example of twisting things to make it seem more than what it is.

FTR I’m not a Biden fan but I also have nothing against him.

I understand they all have handlers but being told they are supposed to leave and not answer questions or being told to only pick certain reporters (likely because they will be easier in questioning). I do think some of it has to do with what we have seen when he goes off script. He gets easily confused or starts fumbling. Honestly, I wished Trump wasn’t always as open as he was. But this is starting to get concerning. And the fact that he says that he is or isn’t supposed to do things makes it look worse.

Posted 9/8/21 3:57 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Puppet President???

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

Posted 9/8/21 4:25 PM

2 Boys, I need calgon!

Member since 10/07

1572 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by BFNY516

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

Or inciting a riot....

Posted 9/8/21 4:33 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by BFNY516

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

As a president you should be able to answer from anyone and not have to go just off a script.

How about we talk about other presidents than just Trump. Was this done for any other President?

They know Biden can’t handle much. It is obvious when they go off script and he starts attacking others and doesn’t make sense.

Posted 9/8/21 5:20 PM

Hope is Contagious....catch it

Member since 5/05

30683 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by windyweather21

Because they know he can’t. We knew from the beginning he is not up to doing this job but they wanted to win at any and all costs.

C'Mon manChat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/8/21 5:25 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 8/21

302 total posts


Puppet President???

I can’t take this old man anymore. Prior to trump our presidents spoke with such poise and intelligence. Between trump and Biden everyone tunes in just to be knowledgeable of the next internet meme.

Posted 9/8/21 6:01 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/20

1189 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by BFNY516

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

As a president you should be able to answer from anyone and not have to go just off a script.

How about we talk about other presidents than just Trump. Was this done for any other President?

They know Biden can’t handle much. It is obvious when they go off script and he starts attacking others and doesn’t make sense.

About other presidents

I don’t think we have had many gems in modern times. The Bush dynasty, the rapist who can’t help himself, Obama for sure had some valid criticisms.

Posted 9/8/21 6:10 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by Diane

Posted by windyweather21

Because they know he can’t. We knew from the beginning he is not up to doing this job but they wanted to win at any and all costs.

C'Mon manChat Icon Chat Icon

Right I mean c'mon man LOL

The cheat sheets in his pockets, him saying I can't do this, here they told me who to call, stumbling over his words, forgetting what year it's obvious to anyone with half a working brain he is not in control.

Posted 9/8/21 6:40 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by BFNY516

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

Or inciting a riot....

Heaven forbid people read the ACTUAL transcript of what he said.

Posted 9/8/21 6:47 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by Raging2020

I can’t take this old man anymore. Prior to trump our presidents spoke with such poise and intelligence. Between trump and Biden everyone tunes in just to be knowledgeable of the next internet meme.

Very true

Posted 9/8/21 6:48 PM

LIF Infant

Member since 1/21

355 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by jellybean78

Posted by Diane

Posted by windyweather21

Because they know he can’t. We knew from the beginning he is not up to doing this job but they wanted to win at any and all costs.

C'Mon manChat Icon Chat Icon

Right I mean c'mon man LOL

The cheat sheets in his pockets, him saying I can't do this, here they told me who to call, stumbling over his words, forgetting what year it's obvious to anyone with half a working brain he is not in control.

He isn’t. And to top it off his team tried to politically capitalize off of retreating from Afghanistan. Ended in disaster and he is a total disgrace.

Posted 9/8/21 6:50 PM


Member since 8/06

13103 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by RomeyT

Posted by mommy2devin

Posted by BFNY516

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

Or inciting a riot....

Heaven forbid people read the ACTUAL transcript of what he said.

Right...they won't though they blindly believe what their media masters tell them too.

Posted 9/8/21 6:51 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 7/05

9511 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by BFNY516

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

As a president you should be able to answer from anyone and not have to go just off a script.

How about we talk about other presidents than just Trump. Was this done for any other President?

They know Biden can’t handle much. It is obvious when they go off script and he starts attacking others and doesn’t make sense.

It's so odd to me that the excuse for Biden is that he's better than Trump. Who cares if he's better than Trump if he still SUCKS! We have over 300 million people in this country. We can't do better than either of these two clowns? And I blame the democrats because you had a few good picks besides this fool and you failed to get them on the platform. Both of these morons should have united us as a country to try to find someone halfway decent to run this country but instead any time someone criticizes Biden the topic turns to Trump. It's pathetic.

Posted 9/8/21 7:13 PM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/21

6986 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by lululu

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by BFNY516

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

As a president you should be able to answer from anyone and not have to go just off a script.

How about we talk about other presidents than just Trump. Was this done for any other President?

They know Biden can’t handle much. It is obvious when they go off script and he starts attacking others and doesn’t make sense.

It's so odd to me that the excuse for Biden is that he's better than Trump. Who cares if he's better than Trump if he still SUCKS! We have over 300 million people in this country. We can't do better than either of these two clowns? And I blame the democrats because you had a few good picks besides this fool and you failed to get them on the platform. Both of these morons should have united us as a country to try to find someone halfway decent to run this country but instead any time someone criticizes Biden the topic turns to Trump. It's pathetic.

Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Posted 9/8/21 7:59 PM


Member since 6/05

3273 total posts


Re: Puppet President???

Posted by lululu

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by BFNY516

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

As a president you should be able to answer from anyone and not have to go just off a script.

How about we talk about other presidents than just Trump. Was this done for any other President?

They know Biden can’t handle much. It is obvious when they go off script and he starts attacking others and doesn’t make sense.

It's so odd to me that the excuse for Biden is that he's better than Trump. Who cares if he's better than Trump if he still SUCKS! We have over 300 million people in this country. We can't do better than either of these two clowns? And I blame the democrats because you had a few good picks besides this fool and you failed to get them on the platform. Both of these morons should have united us as a country to try to find someone halfway decent to run this country but instead any time someone criticizes Biden the topic turns to Trump. It's pathetic.

That is always the go to answer. Trump should have done a lot of thinks differently! I thought that while
He was President and I think it now. Doesn’t mean I am not scared that we don’t know who is calling the shots. It isn’t Harris either. She is a total disaster as well which is why they keep her on a short leash.

Posted 9/8/21 9:41 PM


Member since 2/09

18986 total posts


Puppet President???

I too am employed as a puppet. It's quite agonizing to tell you the truth...

Posted 9/10/21 8:00 PM

06ers Rock!!

Member since 1/07

9534 total posts

The One My Mother Gave Me ;-)

Re: Puppet President???

Posted by lululu

Posted by windyweather21

Posted by BFNY516

He’s old for sure. But was no one startled or equally worried about the last guy talking about drinking bleach? Or slurring his words?

As a president you should be able to answer from anyone and not have to go just off a script.

How about we talk about other presidents than just Trump. Was this done for any other President?

They know Biden can’t handle much. It is obvious when they go off script and he starts attacking others and doesn’t make sense.

It's so odd to me that the excuse for Biden is that he's better than Trump. Who cares if he's better than Trump if he still SUCKS! We have over 300 million people in this country. We can't do better than either of these two clowns? And I blame the democrats because you had a few good picks besides this fool and you failed to get them on the platform. Both of these morons should have united us as a country to try to find someone halfway decent to run this country but instead any time someone criticizes Biden the topic turns to Trump. It's pathetic.

I think the polling in advance of the primaries showed that Biden was the candidate who could defeat Trump. At the time, that was what the Democrats needed - someone who could defeat Trump.

Posted 9/17/21 7:22 PM

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