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And so it goes....

Member since 9/05 2217 total posts
What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
With more than half my district (Wantagh) opting out its getting frustrating to have students sitting for hours trying to read. While I'm all for reading it's tough for the kids to sit for so long. Did your district offer any alternative learning activity?
Posted 4/9/16 9:30 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 10/06 4580 total posts
Name: L
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
My district policy was that they were to remain in class, but when it came down to the numbers, they ended up separating the opt-outs from the opt-ins in my building (others in our district didn't). My kids were with a specialist who had them do book clubs (they read from their independent book bags, then she gave them discussion starters), they did a few ELA challenge activities, then they watched a book on the smartboard.
I was vocal with my principal that if my kid was asked to remain in class and read, I would pull her out for the morning. It didn't seem fair to either group that way.
Posted 4/9/16 10:13 AM |
LIF Adult
Member since 8/12 6791 total posts
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
my district sent them to the computer lab and library. They were to read, but they also let them talk and do educational work on the computers. Kids in the library could walk around and take out books, etc.
Posted 4/9/16 10:44 AM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
The kids were allowed to read or do homework or other class work they needed to catch up on. They are not allowed to start a new activity or to let the kids do anything that seems like a "reward". It is unfortunate because it is taking almost two weeks of classroom time away from the kids and teachers.
Posted 4/9/16 6:29 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 5/09 15657 total posts
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
My DD is in 3rd and they stayed in the classroom since only 1 child took the test in their class. That child was put it a separate location. They did work, but nothing new since that wasn't allowed. The child that did the testing was only out of the classroom for about an hour or so my DD said.
Posted 4/9/16 8:21 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/11 4971 total posts
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
BFs DD in 4th said they rested, read and colored/drew.
Posted 4/9/16 8:39 PM |
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
They read. It was about an hour and a half each day. I am 100% ok with that. The kids who are taking the test should not be penalized by missing class work or fun activities planned for the kids opting out.
Posted 4/10/16 5:37 PM |
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
My DS read too
Posted 4/12/16 11:01 AM |
Member since 5/05 2314 total posts
What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
In our school it is a low opt out rate. Those kids were sent to the library to read or to the K-2 classrooms as helpers.
Posted 4/12/16 12:36 PM |
LIF Adult

Member since 3/12 1013 total posts
What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
In my district we made packets for the kids. Since the math test is this week, we are giving them math review packets. They also took a book and writing activities with them. They sat in the cafeteria with perm subs and lunch aides.
Posted 4/12/16 9:42 PM |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
Our district really came through this year. We had around a 50% opt out rate.
Last week The kids in 3-5 were given 3 days of antibullying and conflict resolution training. They watched videos, acted out situations, answered questions and wrote essays. The jr high watched inside out one day and discussed emotions, feelings and adolescence. I'm not sure what else they did.
This week 3-5 will do 3 days of health - nutrition, cleanliness, mental health work. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes home on Friday.
The AP's in the district worked really hard to find an alternative activity that would keep the kids engaged and use topics that would have a positive impact on their well being. I'm really happy with it.
We are in East Meadow.
Posted 4/13/16 7:39 AM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
Posted by Elbee
Our district really came through this year. We had around a 50% opt out rate.
Last week The kids in 3-5 were given 3 days of antibullying and conflict resolution training. They watched videos, acted out situations, answered questions and wrote essays. The jr high watched inside out one day and discussed emotions, feelings and adolescence. I'm not sure what else they did.
This week 3-5 will do 3 days of health - nutrition, cleanliness, mental health work. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes home on Friday.
The AP's in the district worked really hard to find an alternative activity that would keep the kids engaged and use topics that would have a positive impact on their well being. I'm really happy with it.
We are in East Meadow.
I am actually sad reading this. While those sound like great activities, they are ones IMO the whole school should benefit from. So only 50% get a great program? It is sad those testing are missing a great program. I don't believe those opting out nor those testing should be penalized either way. They should be able to come up with something that doesn't mean 50% of the school loses out. I like reading, mad libs, quiet games so those opting out aren't bored but those testing aren't getting screwed.
Posted 4/13/16 8:58 AM |
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
Posted by Lillykat
Posted by Elbee
Our district really came through this year. We had around a 50% opt out rate.
Last week The kids in 3-5 were given 3 days of antibullying and conflict resolution training. They watched videos, acted out situations, answered questions and wrote essays. The jr high watched inside out one day and discussed emotions, feelings and adolescence. I'm not sure what else they did.
This week 3-5 will do 3 days of health - nutrition, cleanliness, mental health work. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes home on Friday.
The AP's in the district worked really hard to find an alternative activity that would keep the kids engaged and use topics that would have a positive impact on their well being. I'm really happy with it.
We are in East Meadow.
I am actually sad reading this. While those sound like great activities, they are ones IMO the whole school should benefit from. So only 50% get a great program? It is sad those testing are missing a great program. I don't believe those opting out nor those testing should be penalized either way. They should be able to come up with something that doesn't mean 50% of the school loses out. I like reading, mad libs, quiet games so those opting out aren't bored but those testing aren't getting screwed.
This makes me mad too. I opted my son out. That was my choice. They shouldn't be rewarding kids based on a parent's choice. IMO it's the school's job to administer the test even if they don't agree. They should not be trying to make parents feel bad for letting their child take the test.
Message edited 4/13/2016 11:15:34 AM.
Posted 4/13/16 11:06 AM |

Member since 5/05 10767 total posts
Name: Me
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
I don't see it as a reward at all. I see it as an appropriate activity that doesn't punish the kids not taking the test. Sitting and reading or playing madlibs for 6 days and 18+ hours could be conceived a punishment also. The district didn't throw the kids a party, and they couldn't "teach", at least they used the time to educate the kids on topics that sometimes are glossed over. At this point, my son will not have had a real academic lesson for two full weeks. He hasn't seen his teacher at all as she had been administering and grading tests. Two weeks of missed learning opportunities, not to mention the in class prep leading up to this month. I for one am grateful the district had the forethought to plan ahead and try to use the time wisely for however many kids were available.
Posted 4/13/16 11:28 AM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
Posted by Elbee
I don't see it as a reward at all. I see it as an appropriate activity that doesn't punish the kids not taking the test. Sitting and reading or playing madlibs for 6 days and 18+ hours could be conceived a punishment also. The district didn't throw the kids a party, and they couldn't "teach", at least they used the time to educate the kids on topics that sometimes are glossed over. At this point, my son will not have had a real academic lesson for two full weeks. He hasn't seen his teacher at all as she had been administering and grading tests. Two weeks of missed learning opportunities, not to mention the in class prep leading up to this month. I for one am grateful the district had the forethought to plan ahead and try to use the time wisely for however many kids were available.
The kids in our district are reading or quiet activities for 2-3 hours tops a day. Our district is only 45% but I don't see anything wrong with reading or quiet activity. But see from your description they ARE teaching something the testing kids miss out on. I think that is unfair to those testing. My kids are still having their regular specials, class work, etc. They are doing some instruction and still getting homework. So they are not totally losing 6 days. Personally I would love to have no testing and have the kids all learning but for now that is not the reality and I don't think it is fair that those opting out are getting learning time and things like anti bullying and health are things all children benefit from. Even you agree they are teaching something schools gloss over and all could benefit from.
Posted 4/13/16 7:22 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 11/05 9644 total posts
Name: Me
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
This is just all getting so crazy. In our elementary school in my son's grade alone out of about 120 kids - only ONE child opted out. The rest all took the test. Yet, in some districts the kids taking the tests are such a minority that the school day and programming is going on without them? So crazy that the district a child is pretty much determinative of whether they are taking the tests or not. And I guess it is also determinative of what happens to the opting out kids during the time. I guess it goes without saying that when you have just a handful of kids taking the tests that the school will have to offer more to the opt-outers than just reading for hours on end. However, I think it's sad for the kids that did take the tests because I'm not sure it gives them as fair a shot to do well as a kid in another district given all I read on this thread.
I agree with lillykat - I would be livid but, it's a non-issue because it would never ever happen in our school.
Message edited 4/13/2016 8:04:36 PM.
Posted 4/13/16 8:04 PM |
Loving life
Member since 7/06 4088 total posts
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
Posted by itsbabytime
This is just all getting so crazy. In our elementary school in my son's grade alone out of about 120 kids - only ONE child opted out. The rest all took the test. Yet, in some districts the kids taking the tests are such a minority that the school day and programming is going on without them? So crazy that the district a child is pretty much determinative of whether they are taking the tests or not. And I guess it is also determinative of what happens to the opting out kids during the time. I guess it goes without saying that when you have just a handful of kids taking the tests that the school will have to offer more to the opt-outers than just reading for hours on end. However, I think it's sad for the kids that did take the tests because I'm not sure it gives them as fair a shot to do well as a kid in another district given all I read on this thread.
I agree with lillykat - I would be livid but, it's a non-issue because it would never ever happen in our school.
You are right. My kids don't get a minute break. After the test they work through snack because the rest of the class already had snack with a reading break. My kids have no distress time. They walk back in in the middle of a lesson and have to catch up to group. They both feel that its unfair the other kids are getting breaks and no homework because a handful of them are taking the test.
Posted 4/13/16 8:19 PM |
LIF Adult
Member since 12/10 3797 total posts
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
We had so many opt outs in the school I teach in that the kids taking the tests were the ones pulled. They took them in classrooms that weren't being used. The teachers that proctored the tests had their opt out students split into their colleagues classrooms with the other opt out students. They were able to review, work on assignments, use their reading software on computers, etc. The only real restrictions were new material couldn't be taught and nothing could be done that would be graded b/c the students taking the tests would miss out on the grade.
Message edited 4/13/2016 8:45:57 PM.
Posted 4/13/16 8:45 PM |
The Journey is the Destination

Member since 5/05 4431 total posts
Name: Karen
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
Posted by Lillykat
Posted by Elbee
Our district really came through this year. We had around a 50% opt out rate.
Last week The kids in 3-5 were given 3 days of antibullying and conflict resolution training. They watched videos, acted out situations, answered questions and wrote essays. The jr high watched inside out one day and discussed emotions, feelings and adolescence. I'm not sure what else they did.
This week 3-5 will do 3 days of health - nutrition, cleanliness, mental health work. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes home on Friday.
The AP's in the district worked really hard to find an alternative activity that would keep the kids engaged and use topics that would have a positive impact on their well being. I'm really happy with it.
We are in East Meadow.
I am actually sad reading this. While those sound like great activities, they are ones IMO the whole school should benefit from. So only 50% get a great program? It is sad those testing are missing a great program. I don't believe those opting out nor those testing should be penalized either way. They should be able to come up with something that doesn't mean 50% of the school loses out. I like reading, mad libs, quiet games so those opting out aren't bored but those testing aren't getting screwed.
I actually think this against the law. The schools are NOT allowed to teach anything new during the tests. Your district is opening themselves up to a huge lawsuit. I would be livid if I was in your district and my child took the test and missed out on those activities. It is unfortunate that all the kids are missing out on two weeks of testing but that is the whole point. It is waste of 2 weeks for everyone involved, the ones testing and the ones not.
Posted 4/13/16 9:07 PM |
going along for the ride...
Member since 5/05 16253 total posts
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
Posted by KarenK122
Posted by Lillykat
Posted by Elbee
Our district really came through this year. We had around a 50% opt out rate.
Last week The kids in 3-5 were given 3 days of antibullying and conflict resolution training. They watched videos, acted out situations, answered questions and wrote essays. The jr high watched inside out one day and discussed emotions, feelings and adolescence. I'm not sure what else they did.
This week 3-5 will do 3 days of health - nutrition, cleanliness, mental health work. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes home on Friday.
The AP's in the district worked really hard to find an alternative activity that would keep the kids engaged and use topics that would have a positive impact on their well being. I'm really happy with it.
We are in East Meadow.
I am actually sad reading this. While those sound like great activities, they are ones IMO the whole school should benefit from. So only 50% get a great program? It is sad those testing are missing a great program. I don't believe those opting out nor those testing should be penalized either way. They should be able to come up with something that doesn't mean 50% of the school loses out. I like reading, mad libs, quiet games so those opting out aren't bored but those testing aren't getting screwed.
I actually think this against the law. The schools are NOT allowed to teach anything new during the tests. Your district is opening themselves up to a huge lawsuit. I would be livid if I was in your district and my child took the test and missed out on those activities. It is unfortunate that all the kids are missing out on two weeks of testing but that is the whole point. It is waste of 2 weeks for everyone involved, the ones testing and the ones not.
Well our district has quiet reading time. The kids testing are doing so in their classrooms as our rate is less than 50%. They are allowed reading quiet activity just no electronic readers for those opting out. So far the opt out parents seemed happy, as are the testing parents. I just feel for districts where testing kids get the shaft. If the point for most is to opt out to help kids, but kids are losing out on learning or studying then seems kids testing are being hurt. It would be great if there were no tests, but for now there are and they have to do something.
Posted 4/14/16 10:07 AM |
Growing up soo fast..

Member since 1/06 14917 total posts
Name: Dawn
Re: What did the opt out students do during testing in your district?
they were able to read, color, do crossword type books and draw. They could bring a water bottle in also.
Posted 5/6/16 4:49 PM |