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Those with school aged children?

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Yes it is! Going as planned:)

Member since 6/07

5339 total posts


Those with school aged children?

I have another year for this but I was talking to a friend and she told me that some school districts do not allow you to keep your twins together in kindergarten. I was told by someone else a while back that I have the right as a parent to keep my twins together and fight the school if they give you problem. However, my friend says this is not true and if a school district has a policy to separate twins then I pretty much have to deal with it. I am adamant on keeping my twins together for at least K if not longer. My question is if you kept your twins together, did your district have a twin policy and did you have to fight to keep them together or did your district allow it no problem? I dont know what our districts policy is if any, I guess I'll find out when I go to register them. But of course now that I was told this I am freaking out at the possibility of them trying to separate my twins. If this is the case I will look into private school but I was wondering what other twin moms experiences were.

Posted 8/18/15 5:31 PM
Long Island Weddings
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LIF Infant

Member since 5/11

330 total posts


Re: Those with school aged children?

My girls are starting kindergarten in September.
The principal said that there is No written policy regarding twin placement.
I'm deciding to keep them together.

Posted 8/18/15 8:53 PM

Yes it is! Going as planned:)

Member since 6/07

5339 total posts


Those with school aged children?

Thank you! I know I'm probably stressing for nothing but the thought of them being separated in a new big school makes me so nervous

Posted 8/18/15 10:02 PM

My happy babies

Member since 3/06

3428 total posts


Those with school aged children?

There is a law in NY that would override any district policy for class placement. it says that placement is by parent request. The school may suggest a placement but only the school board can vote fro a different placement
See below for law

2007-2008 Regular Sessions


January 30, 2007

Introduced by Sens. PADAVAN, JOHNSON, LARKIN, RATH -- read twice and ordered printed, and when printed to be committed to the Committee on Education
AN ACT to amend the education law, in relation to permitting parents or guardians of twins or higher order multiples to request placement of such children in the same classroom or separate classrooms
The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 1. The education law is amended by adding a new section 3210-a to read as follows:
§ 3210-a. Classroom placement of twins or higher order multiples. 1. A parent or guardian of twins or higher order multiples may request that the children be placed in the same classroom or in separate classrooms if the children are in the same grade level at the same school. The school may recommend classroom placement to the parents and provide professional education advice to the parents to assist them in making the best decision for their children's education. A school must provide the placement requested by the children's parent or guardian, unless the school board makes a classroom placement determination following the school principal's request according to this section. The parent or guardian must request the classroom placement no later than fourteen (14) days after the first day of each school year or fourteen days after the first day of attendance of the children during a school year if the children are enrolled in the school after the school year commences.

2. At the end of the initial grading period, if the school principal, in consultation with the children's classroom teacher, determines that
the requested classroom placement is disruptive to the school, the
school principal may request that the school board determine the children's classroom placement.
3. For purposes of this section, "higher order multiples" means triplets, quadruplets, quintuplets, or more.
EXPLANATION--Matter in italics (underscored) is new; matter in brackets [ ] is old law to be omitted.

Posted 10/26/15 12:39 PM

Yes it is! Going as planned:)

Member since 6/07

5339 total posts


Those with school aged children?

Thank you! I did see this after posting on a pn LI multiples FB group. It relieves a lot of stress and anxiety I have about the twins starting kindergarten next year. I plan on requesting a meeting with the principal of our school as soon as I can after we have registered in February. I am hoping it's a non issue and they will grant my request to have them together, but I have this law saved on my computer to print out if needed. Thank you!!

Posted 10/28/15 5:47 PM

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