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SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

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LIF Adolescent

Member since 12/07

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Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by meloyellow

Posted by sfp0701

Posted by meloyellow

Posted by sfp0701

Posted by Bearcat

Great, a video that takes something out of context and makes police officers look bad. Awesome.

Makes me think of the teacher video. Both don't take the whole context and both led to people on this site bashing the professional.

not bashing the profession or the cop but how he handled it and I stand by that 100%. The same way the teacher video I posted I disagreed with how it was handled I don't see anyone BASHING all cops or all teachers. It's ridiculous that people can't comment on someone doing something wrong without being considered a basher of an entire group. How incredibly PC. There is no context needed...the guy was handcuffed and the situation under force needed...END OF STORY.

As far as the teacher video: people that are actually in the profession tried to explain what procedures the teacher was probably carrying out (phone) and why she was reacting with little emotion. The people who were calling her wrong knew nothing of classroom procedure. In this video: I agree that it looked bad but, I am reserving judging him because I am not in the profession, I don't know the procedures and I don't know the back story.

People aren't bashing all cops in this thread.. but, in the teacher thread people did bash all teachers by saying they weren't held to high enough standards and the teachers on facebook are stupid. However, it's just another example of a very small snippet of a situation being posted online in order to make a professional look bad without telling everything that happened. He could have very well been out of line. But, I just don't think I have the credentials to judge him. Let his superiors do that.

People didn' person did. I know I certainly didn't. And so what if some teachers on FB are total idiots. why is that even something that pisses other teachers off if someone says it? there are idiots in every profession...even teachers and authority figures.

As far as this cop video goes...I truly don't understand people saying "well we don't know what happened / have the full context". IMO there is no more needed. If he disobeyed the law more than just a minor infraction...lock his ass up! It's simple. It's not an officers job to say "I'm not gonna lock you up today so I'll just rough up on you instead. Unacceptable. If he did anything to warrant being choked he should be in jail. If he were resisting arrest and trying to run away then sure hold him on the ground or against a wall and get a bit physical, if your life is in danger do whatever you need to...but that was not the case here. The situation, in that moment was under control. The fact that it's being investigated just tells you that the SCPD obviously sees a breach of protocol otherwise they would just dismiss it.

People lose control sometimes. I'm sure he's probably a good person. He just lost control. I don't want him to lose his job over it...but maybe he needs some anger management or re-training.

The SCPD is investigating it because of what people have made this into. If they thought there was a Breech of Protocol there wouldn't be any need for an investigation, the Officer would already be punished.

Posted 5/15/13 11:03 AM
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LIF Adult

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Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by Mrs213

Posted by AllyMally

Posted by DiamondGirl

Posted by Mrs213

I think he had to be provoked. Even the neighbors on the news said they were sick of this kids crap.

To me this is obvious.

It really bothers me that we live in a world where we assume the trained, professional cop who risks being killed everyday for his career is criticized and the random drunk who apparently has the police called to his home on the regular is pitied.

ETA: MY instinct is to question the perp, not the cop. Does this mean that EVERY cop is standup and a great cop? no but IMO more cops are on the up and up then perps.

For me it's about what the cop said, the response from the person he was talking to and then him grabbing his throat. That looked like an officer who went to far. It was to much, and his partner stepped in. I understand the guy in question is a d-bag, and that cops deserve respect but you can't abuse that power either to make a point.

It doesn't show what was said beforehand and when the cop is talking to him he mumbles something under his breath. I couldn't hear what he said but its obvious he said something to provoke him. You don't mouth off to a cop...

Last I checked, mouthing off wasn't illegal. I say again, I hold cops to a higher standard than any regular person when it comes to restraint. This is part of the job.

Posted 5/15/13 11:14 AM


Member since 5/08

8351 total posts


Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand


Posted by BabyBoy

Posted by BriBri2u

Posted by Hope2009


Ok .. So I've seen this on facebook...

And I do have to say , that NO ONE knows the back story to this AT ALL .. That camera goes on conveniently when the cop is already mid sentence and god only knows what happened before this to anger him...

NONE of us know.

I should this to my FH and he said that we donn't know what happened right before this that angered him, it could have been anything..He was handcuffed so obviously there was a reason he was handcuffed ie; he probably was fighting with the cops and they were forced to restrain him .

People are sooooo quick to assume that a Police Officer is using excessive force or doing something that they aren't supposed to ...

This infuriates me !!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon unfortunately people jump to conclusions without knowing the full story.

If the guy grabbed the cop would you be huming the same tune?

Self defense can be justified.
In this case, the kid seems to have his hands behind his back the whole time if the talking

AGAIN I will say, No one knows the back story to this whole incident. So to say that the Officer is completely unjustified is just wrong.

And to answer your question, it is ILLEGAL for a perp to put his hands on a Police Officer in anyway so of course I wouldn't be singing the same tune. These men and women go out every single day and risk their lives for us and these very people that are crying Police Brutality. For what !!!??? To constantly have their namesdragged through the mud for taking care of business while onthe job! This kid has a very long criminal history and has many issues. His own Family says that he's trouble!

I'm not going to say there aren't extreme cases,however this is NOT one of those cases by any means!

what backstory could there possibly be that we havent seen if the guy was being that much of a **** and threating why wasnt he in handcuffs and arrestted?

I dont get any justification for this the guy didnt put his hands on the cops at that moment provked or not show some self control like any one has too while be provoked and not getting respect.

like i said in my Previous post i dont think he shoud be fired but the fact remains he lost control and shouldnt have.

Message edited 5/15/2013 11:16:41 AM.

Posted 5/15/13 11:15 AM

Just another chapter in life..

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Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

So I showed it to my DH- who is a cop.
I said to him- watch this video and tell me what you think of it.

The second he saw the cop in the video grab the guy by the throat he started shaking his head and said "No.
No way, that is wrong"

Now he has been in situations like this 100s of times. He works in NYC which is even MORE full of nutcases. He has been spit on, called names, etc etc.
He understands 100% how easy it is to lose your cool with people like that.

But he still said that putting your hands on someone like that- unless you are fighting with them and they are coming after you- is 100% unacceptable in his job.
He said if a video like that surfaced of him doing something like that- he woudl be facing major disciplinary action.

Posted 5/15/13 11:16 AM

LIF Toddler

Member since 2/13

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Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by NervousNell

So I showed it to my DH- who is a cop.
I said to him- watch this video and tell me what you think of it.

The second he saw the cop in the video grab the guy by the throat he started shaking his head and said "No.
No way, that is wrong"

Now he has been in situations like this 100s of times. He works in NYC which is even MORE full of nutcases. He has been spit on, called names, etc etc.
He understands 100% how easy it is to lose your cool with people like that.

But he still said that putting your hands on someone like that- unless you are fighting with them and they are coming after you- is 100% unacceptable in his job.
He said if a video like that surfaced of him doing something like that- he woudl be facing major disciplinary action.

A true voice of reason! Thank you for posting this. I'm still in shock that people are saying "well you don't know what happened before this clip." The kid is handcuffed. Unless he is verbally casting a magic spell on the cop, he's not any danger to the officer. He was out of line. I don't see how this is debatable.

Posted 5/15/13 11:20 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/13

1843 total posts


Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by NervousNell

So I showed it to my DH- who is a cop.
I said to him- watch this video and tell me what you think of it.

The second he saw the cop in the video grab the guy by the throat he started shaking his head and said "No.
No way, that is wrong"

Now he has been in situations like this 100s of times. He works in NYC which is even MORE full of nutcases. He has been spit on, called names, etc etc.
He understands 100% how easy it is to lose your cool with people like that.

But he still said that putting your hands on someone like that- unless you are fighting with them and they are coming after you- is 100% unacceptable in his job.
He said if a video like that surfaced of him doing something like that- he woudl be facing major disciplinary action.

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Posted 5/15/13 11:24 AM

She's here!

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Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by mrsboss

Perps spit at cops, and bite ESP while under the influence. Just because he's cuffed means nothing.
It's happened to my brother while on duty, and it was done by an HIV+ scumbag.

I was going to say the same thing...just because a person is cuffed doesn't mean they aren't a risk. They could spit, kick just to name a few.

Posted 5/15/13 11:35 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/13

1843 total posts


Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by SLPlady1984

Posted by mrsboss

Perps spit at cops, and bite ESP while under the influence. Just because he's cuffed means nothing.
It's happened to my brother while on duty, and it was done by an HIV+ scumbag.

I was going to say the same thing...just because a person is cuffed doesn't mean they aren't a risk. They could spit, kick just to name a few.

but he didn't do any of those things. So now we should just preemptively get physical because someone *MIGHT* do those things? I *might* break the law...just arrest me now. See how silly that sounds?

Message edited 5/15/2013 11:38:28 AM.

Posted 5/15/13 11:36 AM


Member since 2/08

8081 total posts


Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

The guy handcuffed was a being a douche I'm sure of it... but he was HANDCUFFED therefore it was highly likely that he posed no phsyical threat to the officer. So no he should NOT have put his hands around his neck like that - that was excessive force in my opinion. IF the handcuffed moron made some kind of a verbal threat to the officer, then he should have hauled him off to jail.

Message edited 5/15/2013 11:43:14 AM.

Posted 5/15/13 11:42 AM


Member since 2/08

8081 total posts


Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by SLPlady1984

Posted by mrsboss

Perps spit at cops, and bite ESP while under the influence. Just because he's cuffed means nothing.
It's happened to my brother while on duty, and it was done by an HIV+ scumbag.

I was going to say the same thing...just because a person is cuffed doesn't mean they aren't a risk. They could spit, kick just to name a few.

But this particular video shows none of this right before the cop put his hands around his its a moot point.

Posted 5/15/13 11:45 AM

She's here!

Member since 6/12

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Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by meloyellow

Posted by SLPlady1984

Posted by mrsboss

Perps spit at cops, and bite ESP while under the influence. Just because he's cuffed means nothing.
It's happened to my brother while on duty, and it was done by an HIV+ scumbag.

I was going to say the same thing...just because a person is cuffed doesn't mean they aren't a risk. They could spit, kick just to name a few.

but he didn't do any of those things. So now we should just preemptively get physical because someone *MIGHT* do those things? I *might* break the law...just arrest me now. See how silly that sounds?

Not what I said I wasn't defending this situation or any other just clarifying that a cuffed person can still pose a risk

Message edited 5/15/2013 11:58:27 AM.

Posted 5/15/13 11:53 AM


Member since 2/08

8081 total posts


Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by SLPlady1984

Posted by meloyellow

Posted by SLPlady1984

Posted by mrsboss

Perps spit at cops, and bite ESP while under the influence. Just because he's cuffed means nothing.
It's happened to my brother while on duty, and it was done by an HIV+ scumbag.

I was going to say the same thing...just because a person is cuffed doesn't mean they aren't a risk. They could spit, kick just to name a few.

but he didn't do any of those things. So now we should just preemptively get physical because someone *MIGHT* do those things? I *might* break the law...just arrest me now. See how silly that sounds?

Not what was said! My point was since this isnt the whole story don't assume other things didn't happen

I absolutely agree with you that these things DO happen...however you can clearly see in this particular video the cop yells at the perp....perp says something...and then the cop chokes him. There was clearly no spitting, no biting, etc. His reaction was NOT made in self defense. IF the perp did something to endanger the cop then absolutely he should have used such force....but all you can see RIGHT before he put his hands around his neck was some kind of verbal exchange.

Message edited 5/15/2013 12:01:45 PM.

Posted 5/15/13 11:57 AM

LIF Adult

Member since 3/13

1843 total posts


Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by Daisy32

Posted by SLPlady1984

Posted by meloyellow

Posted by SLPlady1984

Posted by mrsboss

Perps spit at cops, and bite ESP while under the influence. Just because he's cuffed means nothing.
It's happened to my brother while on duty, and it was done by an HIV+ scumbag.

I was going to say the same thing...just because a person is cuffed doesn't mean they aren't a risk. They could spit, kick just to name a few.

but he didn't do any of those things. So now we should just preemptively get physical because someone *MIGHT* do those things? I *might* break the law...just arrest me now. See how silly that sounds?

Not what was said! My point was since this isnt the whole story don't assume other things didn't happen

I absolutely agree with you that these things DO happen...however you can clearly see in this particular video the cops yells at the perp....perp says something...and then the cops chokes him. There was clearly no spitting, no biting, etc. His reaction was NOT made in self defense. IF the perp did soemthing to endanger the cop then absolutely eh should have used such force....but all you can see RIGHT before he put his hands around his neck was something verbally said.

thank you, that's what I'm trying to say. His reaction was not made in self defense. IF anything else happened before this would have been a delayed reaction and IF anything like spitting or hitting happened before this clip HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ARRESTED, not wait and then choke him after the fact.

Posted 5/15/13 12:02 PM

L'amore vince sempre

Member since 5/05

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Mrs. B

Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand


Posted by BabyBoy

Posted by BriBri2u

Posted by Hope2009


Ok .. So I've seen this on facebook...

And I do have to say , that NO ONE knows the back story to this AT ALL .. That camera goes on conveniently when the cop is already mid sentence and god only knows what happened before this to anger him...

NONE of us know.

I should this to my FH and he said that we donn't know what happened right before this that angered him, it could have been anything..He was handcuffed so obviously there was a reason he was handcuffed ie; he probably was fighting with the cops and they were forced to restrain him .

People are sooooo quick to assume that a Police Officer is using excessive force or doing something that they aren't supposed to ...

This infuriates me !!! Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon Chat Icon

Chat Icon Chat Icon unfortunately people jump to conclusions without knowing the full story.

If the guy grabbed the cop would you be huming the same tune?

Self defense can be justified.
In this case, the kid seems to have his hands behind his back the whole time if the talking

AGAIN I will say, No one knows the back story to this whole incident. So to say that the Officer is completely unjustified is just wrong.

And to answer your question, it is ILLEGAL for a perp to put his hands on a Police Officer in anyway so of course I wouldn't be singing the same tune. These men and women go out every single day and risk their lives for us and these very people that are crying Police Brutality. For what !!!??? To constantly have their namesdragged through the mud for taking care of business while onthe job! This kid has a very long criminal history and has many issues. His own Family says that he's trouble!

I'm not going to say there aren't extreme cases,however this is NOT one of those cases by any means!

I am not saying they don't have a dangerous job. That is obvious.

However, regardless of the POS this kid clearly is, the officer was out of line when he grabbed him like that. He wasn't taking care of business.

Like a PP its not against the law to mouth off or to be a fuccking douche bag.

If we was doing something wrong at the time, then the officer should have been arresting him RIGHT THERE ON THE SPOT. He wasn't so that leads me to believe that this loser was just being that - a loser.

Posted 5/15/13 12:03 PM

is Skylar Elizabeth

Member since 5/05

4189 total posts


Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

Posted by Daisy32

Posted by SLPlady1984

Posted by mrsboss

Perps spit at cops, and bite ESP while under the influence. Just because he's cuffed means nothing.
It's happened to my brother while on duty, and it was done by an HIV+ scumbag.

I was going to say the same thing...just because a person is cuffed doesn't mean they aren't a risk. They could spit, kick just to name a few.

But this particular video shows none of this right before the cop put his hands around his its a moot point.

If the perp did anything this bad, they would of been in cuffs alreayd in the sqaud car, not in the house being "warned" about coming back to this address again.

Posted 5/15/13 3:16 PM


Member since 6/05

9987 total posts

Grammie says "Lora Gina"

Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand I the only one actually WATCHING the video???

The cop asked him a question - the guy said "yeah"...the cop FREAKED over his "TONE"...yes...the cop even SAYS IT..."watch your f'in tone"

So because you don't like the tone of some punk azz kid - you put your hands on his neck?

Sorry - hot head!

...PS - I'm NOT a cop because I'm a hot head. Chat Icon

Posted 5/15/13 5:52 PM

I love my baby girls!

Member since 12/06

2441 total posts


Re: SCPD Cop getting a little out of hand

I see nothing wrong with this at all. Obviously, the cop knows the kid by the way he was talking to him - he is probably a troublemaker and said or did something threatening on this occasion. It is very easy for someone "on the outside" to criticize what cops do or say. You have to do what you have to do to protect yourself and others, even if it means getting a little rough with the people that are perceived as threats.

Posted 5/15/13 10:22 PM
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